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  1. thamobster

    does the florida condi eat fish

    hey just a few days ago i picked up two florida condi from my lfs..i was told they wouldnt host clowns but i thought they looked cool and they were only 4 bucks a pop so i bought em..then when i returned to the store to get another a few days later another guy told me they were bad news..and...
  2. thamobster

    Cleaner gone missing....

    So, been having giant outbreaks of algae. I've got in the tank (50 gal) a Prizm protein skimmer, Cascade 1200 for water circulation, and the Emperor 400. All water parameters at 0, except for nitrates which are at 10. Tank runs at 78 degrees, 1.025 salinity, p.h = 8.4. Living in the tank are 2...
  3. thamobster

    Please Help With Calcium Levels

    yeah ive repeated the teste quite a few times..i use tap water but have tested it for phosphates and there is ive been using it for 7 months now on my tank and its never been an issue..the cc seemed to be fine too until the past month when it started blooming on the rock badly then...
  4. thamobster

    Please Help With Calcium Levels

    im using a saltwater master liquid test kit my aquarium pharmaceuticals..heres my results.. Phosphates = 0 Nitrates = 10 Nitrites = 0 Ammonia = 0 pH = 8.4 salinity = 1.023 Kh 13.5 dkh
  5. thamobster

    Please Help With Calcium Levels make a long story short ive had a huge ongoing problem with hairy algae out of nowhere..ive tested all my levels and everything seems to be perfect..only thing thats off is the calcium..its off the scale..its at 820 mg?l (ppm) . could this be the cause of the extreme amount of hairy algae...
  6. thamobster

    Test Result Help

    ok il definitely give ro water a try then..but do u think thats causing the problem since i never had a problem using tap water for 6 months then out of nowhere this happened
  7. thamobster

    Test Result Help using tap water which never seemed to be a problem..i have 80 lbs of liverock and all crushed sand..and have cut back feeding from everyday to everyother day..i tested calcium but its off the charts on the test kit i got so im not exactly sure what the calcium is
  8. thamobster

    Test Result Help

    Hey, had my tank established about 6 months now. My tank has been great the whole time, then about 3 weeks ago a big algae bloom came up. Brown algae, to hairy algae. It got so bad in my rocks and LR I had to take the LR off and clean it. Now the brown algae is back and I can't seem to rid the...
  9. thamobster

    Missing emerald crab..

    I'm using Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Calcium Tester. Oh yeah, out of no where my crab came out, I've got no idea where he was but hes alive! Thanks.
  10. thamobster

    Missing emerald crab..

    Hey 2 weeks ago I purchased an emerald crab. He was doing great. All of my parameters are perfect. The same day I purchased the crab I bought a BTA. After a week the crab had begun going to the anemone constantly, trying to get under him. Now I can't find the crab anywhere. I...
  11. thamobster

    Saltwater in the air..

    Hey everyone. Just had a question to see if anyone has heard of this happening before. A person I know had a saltwater tank in the same room as some of his electronics, one being a big screen T.V. and supposdly the saltwater tank caused corrison to the T.V. I am not sure of the size of the tank...
  12. thamobster

    Please help with Major algae problem

    yeah i have a pretty good clean up crew..i have about 35 snails..6 blue leg emerald crab..a few huge snails {i think margarahita but not sure} and a sand sifting starfish
  13. thamobster

    Please help with Major algae problem

    ok cool..thanks for all ur input..yeah i recently did change the filter and i actually noticed after that it started to become more of a problem with the guessing i washed away some of the important biologicals..ever since its been there but i figured that it couldnt still be from...
  14. thamobster

    Please help with Major algae problem

    hey..heres ur answers to some of the questions.. no i dont test for phosphates i run a red sea protein skimmer i feed the fish twice a day a pinch full...enough that they eat it all in about 2-3 minutes my lights are new..its the aqualight lunar 36inch.. i run the actinic and 10000k from 7:30am...
  15. thamobster

    Please help with Major algae problem

    hey my tank has been established for a few months now..ive never had an algae problem til now go to bed and itll all be clear and when i wake up at 7am its still clear but when i get home from work around 5 the front and sides of the tank are covered in a good amount of green algae..i...
  16. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    its in my i dont believe im getting any type of chemicals in the tank..i use cologne but its a good distance from the tank..i also occasionaly burn incense but i dont think that gets to close either..
  17. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    i used the seachem ph raiser
  18. thamobster

    Green/brown algae?

    Hey everyone. I just got over a very bad case of brown algae. Now that my tank finally is fully clean and looking great this green algae appears, only on the glass. It is extremely hard to scrap off. As for my cleanup crew I have about 20 turbo snails, 6 hermits, and an emerald crab. I have 3...
  19. thamobster

    Totally confused about lighting

    hey i was recently talked into by the lfs to buy the aqualight 36 inch lunar comes with the 96w actinics and 10000k daylight and 2 lunar lights..ive read some posts on how to set them up on a timer but im not sure what to go with..will this setup work 7am-10am actinic 10am -6pm actinic...
  20. thamobster

    Brown Algae Problem

    ok thanks..yeah im using a sea chem buffer now to raise it to hoping it works..i hear thats what to do though so im trying that and i also added quite a few more snails..thanks for ur help everyone