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  1. nemo135


    Ohhhhhhhh How Do You Know Im Immature
  2. nemo135


    Originally Posted by bjoe23 didnt ur last octopus thread get locked? so you started a new one? yes but why does that matter????
  3. nemo135


    ive been researching them and i really like bimacs theyre so cool so would someone thats had one or was about to have one name everything i need!!!!!!!*exited*
  4. nemo135

    aquapod 24 setup

    i was thinking about getting a aquapod 24 how is it?
  5. nemo135

    55 Gallon tank w/stand for sale Long Island!

    how much are you asking for everything??
  6. nemo135


    ok it would be great if you could pm me
  7. nemo135


    Originally Posted by koolaidman also, i dont mean to stear ppl away from buying from this site, but you might wanna buy a specific species. Otherwise you have no way of knowing how to specifically care for it and how long it has to live. Also its really only the blue ringed octopus that is...
  8. nemo135


    200 Gallons!!!!!!!!!!
  9. nemo135

    seahorse questions

    ok i emailed you :)
  10. nemo135


    Originally Posted by NyButterfly03 I noticed ur other post on seahorses and I am just wondering why you seem to have decided on trying very difficult species? You said in the seahorse thread that if we didnt provide u the necessary info to keep horses, you would simply go to another forum. I...
  11. nemo135


    (1)i have every day at home so i would have lots of time for him(2) i think i would order the kind off this site(3) would a fifty five gallon tank work for him and if not whats the minimum size.(4)where could i order the stuff for him and what kind of filter lights...etc
  12. nemo135

    seahorse questions

    Originally Posted by zeke92 1. a fish store...any of them... 2. Everyone likes different horses, find your own that you like 3. there are easy guides online all over the place 4. depends on what horse and tank and what all you want in it 5. hard, don't do this quickly, take your tiem, RESEARCH...
  13. nemo135


    ok i have some questions about octopi how many gallon tank do they need?how hard are they to take care of????how long do they live???? what do they eat and where can i buy it????
  14. nemo135

    seahorse questions

    ok here are my questions (1)where could i find a tank that kudas erectus's or dwarfs would like (2) what species do you prefer?? (3)how could i hatch baby brine shrimp and what is a hatchery????? (4) how much $$ in all would a tank be???? (5)how hard are they to take care of????
  15. nemo135

    seahorse questions

    well i really want seahorses so if you could give me the information i need that would be great and if not i will go to some other site
  16. nemo135

    seahorse questions

    Originally Posted by MonaLisa First of all, please, please post what your sw experience is...this is very important to know regarding the keeping of seahorses!! Contrary to Ryk's comments (sorry Ryk) but dwarf horses are NOT recommended for those just starting out with seahorses...heck...
  17. nemo135

    seahorse questions

    Originally Posted by Rykna It's eaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssy. You purchase atermia, decapsulated baby brine shrimp eggs, and hatch them in your hatchery. I can send you all the info you need to set up the hatchery, it's really easy. ok it would be great if you could send me all the info
  18. nemo135

    seahorse questions

    how are you supposed to hatch the baby brines?????and yes i think i would rather have dwarfs,but i need to know what the minimum size tank is for an erectus
  19. nemo135

    hello everybody!!

    ok thanks i'll bet your wondering why its three o'clock and im on swf but im just trying to pass the time before the day after thanksgiving sale but i'll try the nano tank section and if that doesnt work i'll come back
  20. nemo135

    seahorse questions

    well i just need to know a good size tank and what kind of filter and lights and i dont really what a sump is but dont worry i will research before i start