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  1. fishkid6692

    doesnt it bum you out?

    not with big angels but i'm sure you could do two different centropyges in there.
  2. fishkid6692

    doesnt it bum you out?

    i have 2 in my 180g. if i could only have one i would probably pick C. abei or C. boylei but both of those are either EXTREMELY expensive or not being collected. it's all about how you introduce the angels. when i introduced my second angel there was little to no aggression. my angels are in a...
  3. fishkid6692

    Would you pay $1,500 for this?

    yes we have been looking for a 31 year old to adopt. only requirement is you have to wear an eyepatch and a peg leg. ;) and thanks for the link. i tried to embed it but i guess it doesn't work on this forum. -matt
  4. fishkid6692

    Would you pay $1,500 for this?

    heres the vid. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed...
  5. fishkid6692

    Would you pay $1,500 for this?

    I'm not home right now but i'll post a vid when i get home.
  6. fishkid6692

    Would you pay $1,500 for this?

    I'm the kid who bought the tigerpyge and he is alive and well. :)
  7. fishkid6692

    Chaeto. $15 shipped

    will you get more? if you do please pm me
  8. fishkid6692

    cheap fish for sale!!!

    i have a large red devil, a wolffish, a water cow, and a channel cat thats about a foot long. all are 10 dollars.
  9. fishkid6692

    looking for red dwarf frogfish!!!

    lol sorry i'm new to the website. i live in danbury, connecticut.
  10. fishkid6692

    14 gallon seahorse setup!

    i have a 14 gallon tank and i want to breed seahorses. what is a good seahorse for this size tank and are easy to breed?
  11. fishkid6692

    looking for red dwarf frogfish!!!

    yea how big is it? and can you post pics?
  12. fishkid6692

    5.5 g dwarfs

    i don't see it can you pm it to me? or can you send me an email at
  13. fishkid6692

    5.5 g dwarfs

    how many dwarf sea horses can i get in a 14 gallon tank and how many did you start with? any thing special you did to get them to breed or do they just breed alot? also where did you get your sea horses?
  14. fishkid6692

    looking for red dwarf frogfish!!!

    i'm looking for a red dwarf frogfish. i will pay cash!!!!!
  15. fishkid6692

    buying octos!

    we'll i don't have much to trade considering i have all octo tanks. but i can give you cash! what species do you have? how big is it? how much are you asking?
  16. fishkid6692

    my octo just laid eggs!!!

    i am aware female octos lay eggs at the end of there life cycle but what do you mean there is no chance they are fertile? octos can hold sperm for up to 6 moths before laying eggs. she could have mated at an earlier point in her life(which is very possible considering she was kept with a few...
  17. fishkid6692

    my octo just laid eggs!!!

    i'll take a pic of her den. and the other bad thing is hummelincki octopus are small egg layers so when the eggs hatch they will be planktonic. but i can't give up. theres still a chance!
  18. fishkid6692

    my octo just laid eggs!!!

    yeah i'm aware that she may die but i'm happy to have her for now! and who knows i may get to raise her babies!!! also it's hard to get pics because she's so far into her den. i saw a few eggs this morning but she hid them as quickly as she could.
  19. fishkid6692

    my octo just laid eggs!!!

    i have a hummelincki octo and it just laid eggs 2 day ago.
  20. fishkid6692

    buying octos!

    if you have any unwanted octopus i'll most likely want to buy it!