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  1. greebs

    sump problems

    I'm probably misunderstanding here but I believe my pump is smaller than what is draining into the sump and the reason I get the slurping noise is because the overflow area gets too low then. I tried the small airhose deal yesterday and while that got the slurping noise taken care of it caused...
  2. greebs

    sump problems

    I need some advice on how to get an even flow out of the tank to the sump and then back in again. I am constantly battling either the water not coming back into the display tank fast enough and a slurping sound being caused as the water level in the overflow gets too low or the water goes back...
  3. greebs

    sump setup

    I didn't think it would be that tough but I'm having a devil of a time trying to get my sump pump to match the flow out of my display tank. I made one out of an 18 gallon storage tub. No refugium; just tub with return pump for now. first the water was entering the overflow area just a little...
  4. greebs

    return pump recommendations

    thanks for the suggestion. that's definitely in my budget. I do have a couple powerheads in the display tank already along with my h.o.b. skimmer but I'm sure I could upgrade those powerheads. I saw some online reviews concerning heat put out by the mags but nobody gave any specifics on what...
  5. greebs

    return pump recommendations

    going to build a sump for my 90 g. planning to do around 25 g for the entire sump/refuge area. it's a new tank that was pre-drilled already. any recommendations on what return pump to purchase that will get me good flow and not too loud. I'd like to have one that I can just submerge in the...
  6. greebs

    TAAM Rio Hyper Flow 32 HF Water Pump

    this item is sold from this site. any opinions on it as a return pump for a sump? I've got a 90 gal for Christmas and want to establish a sump on a limited budget so this is in my price range if it's not junk. it would need to shoot the water up approx 4 1/2 feet back to the display tank...
  7. greebs

    Re-starting a 'dead' tank

  8. greebs

    Re-starting a 'dead' tank

    I originally was going to do it with saltwater changes but after a few rinses, I realized that it was going to take a bunch more changes as the sand was that dirty. I filled the tank about 1/3 full and mixed it up and drained green water to the tune of I’d estimate about 125+ gallons of water...
  9. greebs

    Re-starting a 'dead' tank

    I decided to take out my lr and about 1/2 of the water. then really worked up the sand and did several water changes until the sand was mostly clean. I just used non-salt water directly from the r/o unit so I suppose I killed whatever was living in the sand which in retrospect maybe wasn't a...
  10. greebs

    Re-starting a 'dead' tank

    I am planning to get my 55 g tank up and running again and need some advice. It's approx. 2 1/2 years old but it more or less died early this year when I was in the hospital for three weeks. I cleaned out all the dead livestock a long time ago and have kept the water filter running and done a...
  11. greebs

    &##)*(&##!!! hair algae

    I think I've got some hybrid stuff or something. Went to my lfs who tested my water and it's at an amount lower than his tests go, thanks to my adding Rowa several weeks ago. But the hair algae has continued to thrive for several months now. He suggested I turn the lights off completely to...
  12. greebs

    so, if it ain't phosphates causing hair algae...

    does that leave the light bulbs as the only other possible cause or are there other sources? I need to have my lfs double check my water because my testkit shows 0 for phosphates, but it (the hair algae) keeps growing. I've got a skimmer running and using rowaphos so really don't expect that...
  13. greebs

    phosphate removers?

    Anybody heard of a phosphate remover by the name Rowa? My lfs tells me it's guaranteed to drop it to zero and take care of my hair algae problem. He was out of the product at the time so I didn't purchase. It cost around 45 bucks so it's not a cheapie and I wanted to see if anyone else here...
  14. greebs

    what shoud I test for?

    tank is about 15 months old. I've got three emeralds and purchased 30 hermits a couple months ago but don't think too many of them are alive any more. I should also add that I bought some shaving brush plants from this site in hopes they would absorb the phosphates but haven't noticed a...
  15. greebs

    what shoud I test for?

    I've had a hair algae problem ongoing for about three months now. My 55 gal tank is about 15 months old now. Never had any hair algae until about three months ago and now cannot get rid of it. I use RO water that I buy from the grocery store and do 10 % changes every month. I've taken out...
  16. greebs

    Sander Protein Skimmers

    Any opinions on this brand of skimmer?
  17. greebs

    How can you tell for sure if your bubble coral is toast?

    My doggone clarkei clown decided my bubble coral would make a good host. Unfortunately the coral didn't enjoy his company and now has no 'bubbles' left. Of course the clown leaves it alone now but is there a way of telling if it might make a comeback or does the fact that the bubbles are all...
  18. greebs

    Lights for Anemones

    pbuck: If you'll kindly read my original post, you will realize that you didn't need to sound 'a little mean'. I realize that there are many out there who just buy things without doing research. I, like yourself, have learned from mistakes. (I purchased a mandarin goby from my local lfs who...
  19. greebs

    Lights for Anemones

    My clarkei clown has decided to use my bubble coral as his host, much to the coral's disliking. I've got a 55 gal with 2 65 w power compacts. I'm thinking of trying to order an anemone from this site along with some other stuff but don't want to give it a death sentence if it won't survive in...
  20. greebs

    Metallic Green Star Polps won't open

    I purchased a 'mat' of star polyps about a month ago. They looked fine for about a week and then they went dormant. I really thought I had killed them off but today several polyps have popped out again and I know it's been at least two if not three weeks since I saw them last so I'd say to be...