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  1. greebs


    We were thinking about getting a puffer for our tank and why don't puffers and inverts mix and are there any puffers safe with inverts.
  2. greebs


    My son has been begging for a sea slug and are there any sea slugs safe for reef tanks?
  3. greebs

    Is my feather duster dead?

    I've got a sneaky suspicion that it is but don't want to rush to get him out of my tank. I noticed yesterday that the 'feather' part of the body became detached. Prior to this, it had looked very healthy. I purchased it about two months ago from this site in a package deal. Anyhow, the...
  4. greebs

    Is my flame scallop dead?

    I got my first package from this website, that included a flame scallop last week. This morning, I noticed that the scallop was showing no orange color sticking out and I had always noticed some part of the orange flesh sticking out. Is this a sign of death? Question 2. Probably a dumb...