Search results

  1. greebs

    Live Rock fromSWF.Com

    Somewheres I remember reading that the rock might stink but it really doesn't have a bad smell, just an 'ocean' type smell. I've got it soaking in some saltwater now, but seems like I read if it doesn't stink then it's probably ok to put in tank. Any comments? Also there were quite a few what...
  2. greebs

    Live Rock fromSWF.Com

    will give a report on what I receive. My tank has been set up about eight months now with fish, inverts, a few soft corals, etc.
  3. greebs

    Live Rock fromSWF.Com

    I just placed an order for the 20-25 lb. package. When I receive it, can I just add to my tank or do I need to do anything to it first? I've got a 55 gal. tank with about 20 lbs. live rock in it now. Can't want for it to arrive.
  4. greebs

    electric current in fish tank??

    that certainly doesn't sound good, but are you perhaps the ground that causes the elctric charge by putting your hand in the tank? I'm not sure how that electricity thing works but maybe there isn't a charge when you don't have your hand in the tank and by putting your hand in there then the...
  5. greebs

    New Coral

    for some reason mine have all fallen off of their rock that they were initially attached to. Just tested the water and nothing unusual. Fish are healthy as are the other corals. Good luck with them.
  6. greebs


    I'm a rookie, but like anything else you buy, it depends on their demand and cost to obtain them. Try offering them less and see what they say. It's kind of one of those things where if they won't budge on their price, then they apparently have people out there willing to pay their high price...
  7. greebs

    feeding phytoplankton

    I guess I'm not even sure what I'm feeding it too. I'll admit reading other posts about how good of a product it was and blindly purchased thinking it was something I've got to do to have a heathy reef. I'd be pleased if I found out I don't need to add the stuff to feed my sea life. I guess...
  8. greebs

    feeding phytoplankton

    Do I need to turn off powerhead and power filter when feeding D.T's? This stuff is quite expensive so I want to make sure I'm doing it right? Also directions say to feed every other day. Using their directions, this bottle sure doesn't last very long. Is this something a person needs to...
  9. greebs

    urchin add to bioload?

    I've noticed lately that my pincushion urchin sure leaves a lot behind, if you know what I mean. I've got to add to my janitorial staff because I've lost some crabs and other cleaners. But does anything clean up what Mr. urchin leaves behind? I've been giving strong consideration to returning...
  10. greebs

    New toadstool, now what?

    bump....sorry, need to know. thanks again.
  11. greebs

    New toadstool, now what?

    I've seen other mentions of using super glue. Having never done it before, it wouldn't seem that it would work using it in water. So here's the dumb question. do you just put the glue on the small rock base that the toadstool is and then stick it back in the water and it will still stick to...
  12. greebs

    New toadstool, now what?

    I purchased a toadstool today. According to the guy at lfs, I'm just supposed to put the base on a rock in my tank, but when I got home I noticed it's got basically a small chunk of rock the same size as it's base that it's already attached to. I don't really have any good spots in my rock to...
  13. greebs

    Mushroom problems

    I have two 65 w pc's
  14. greebs

    Mushroom problems

    I'm kind of baffled. I thought from reading posts that mushrooms are some of the easiest to maintain. In my 55 gallon, I had a rock with several blue and one rock with several red mushrooms. They had been in my tank for about a month and while I wouldn't say they were thriving, they were...
  15. greebs

    Raising Salinity

    55 gallon tank with a yellow tang (I know it will outgrow the tank), a blue damsel, and a clarkei clown. Some snails, a couple emerald crabs and a shrimp round out my livestock. Tank has been operating for about 4-5 months.
  16. greebs

    Raising Salinity

    I need to raise the salinity of my tank quite a bit. Can I just just take out some of the water from the tank, add some prepackaged sea salt and dump it back in after a couple hours? My current reading is 2.018 so it needs to go up quite a ways and I realize that I can't do it all at once but...
  17. greebs

    Hairy Finger Leather Death?

    I knew I'd get busted with that vague of a post. Nitrites, nitrates and ammonia are all zero. PH and alk are in the acceptable range. 78degree water temp. I've had the leather for about three months now with no other recognizable problems until Mr. urchin attached himself. The leather is...
  18. greebs

    Hairy Finger Leather Death?

    I think my first coral may have bit it. Water tests show everything in good shape. I'm wondering if that dang pencil urchin that my 10 year old wanted and I bought without doing proper research was the problem. About two weeks ago the little b**t**d was 'attached' to the leather. It didn't...
  19. greebs

    Help with site please

    The Only thing we've ordered that died was our Cucumber and our Flame Scallop so it's a preety good store is my opinion. Greebs
  20. greebs

    Cucumbers in CC

    We had a huge cucumber in our 55gl tank we were gone for two days and we saw that it's head was cut off. 55gl tank...