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  1. chefjoeyp

    Feather Duster Eggs??? Help

    That is what I guessed at first but the novice in me couldn't believe an algae could be that perfectly symmetrical. But after looking at the photos thats it. How can I get rid of it without harming my dusters?
  2. chefjoeyp

    Feather Duster Eggs??? Help

    I put two Hawaiian Dusters in my 100 gal reef tank, When I took a closer look at them later that day I noticed what look like small translucent lime green eggs. They seem to be coming out of "slits" in the tubes. I first thought they were how they reproduce, and after a lot of research found...
  3. chefjoeyp

    New tank out of control

    Thanks so much for your help. It seems my test liquid was contaminated, I was using aquarium pharm, and when I switched to aquarium systems tests my nitrites and nitrates were zero, had my lfs verify this. As with the substrate, I use anout 60% sand and 40% cc, I do vacuum every other day. I...
  4. chefjoeyp

    New tank out of control

    I have no idea what happened, My f/o has been running for a litle over 2 months: 55gal 20# lr seaclone 100 skimmer emporer 400 filter 1 Oce clown 1 yellow tang 1 vol lion 1 porcupine puffer 1 brittle star 1 hermit crab 1 cleaner shrimp 1 damsel (the one I couldnnt catch after cycle) 1 anemone 2...
  5. chefjoeyp

    What's the coolest hitch hiker you found?

    I was doing my nightly feeding when I saw a hole in my lr that i had never seen before, i looked closer and saw this thing cautiously peeking from the hole, little bugger is so quick i think out of about 50 pictures I took this is the best. Does anyone know what it is? I also found it has a...