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  1. chefjoeyp

    help please

    well, they are in qt tank and hypo is 24 hours in. about 4 hours ago i lost the male. it doesn't matter what the circumstance, losing any fish is painful. I spend countless hours taking care of the tanks. I do not understand what happened. within a period of 12 hours he went from colorful...
  2. chefjoeyp

    help please

    Well, I moved both into my QT, now the male seems to b very lethargic and rather than his color fading he seems to appear "cloudy". These poor guys and I think they were right in the middle of "badda bing" if you know what I I will try to get some pics of the male
  3. chefjoeyp

    Baby star?

    Thank you so much for your info. My daughter has fallen in love with it. I have moved it into a tank I am preparing for seahorses the only other things in there is a carpet anemone and 2 anemone crabs. I have never seen a star that color, lets see how it goes, this is the most exciting...
  4. chefjoeyp

    Baby star?

    I am just confused as to how he got there, could he be hiding in my rock for 6 months and still be that small? the only new thing I have added in that time is a willow gargonian and I think i would have noticed him. Wild. My daughter has already named him "twinkle". any idea what to feed him?
  5. chefjoeyp

    Baby star?

    Sorry for the poor quality. Even with the the camera I use (12 megapixel canon digital slr, my "other hobby" is fish photography) I hturnedoff my MH ights to accliate a new blue starfish.
  6. chefjoeyp

    Baby star?

    My live rock from Florida. I have isolated the baby, will try to take a photo from other side and post later
  7. chefjoeyp

    Baby star?

    I was doing my daily tan inspection when I found this baby star. My tank is a 100gal reef and everything in it has been in there for 4 months+. I do have a green brittle star in there I just transferred from my 55gal about 2 weeks ago. I know stars having babies in captivity is very rare but...
  8. chefjoeyp

    help please

    Here are my levels: Ph: 8.2 Sal: 1.025 Temp: 78 F Amon: 0 NO2: 0 NO3: trace Phos: 0 Mg: 1470 ppm KH: 12 Yes, I do have a refractometer and a qt tank set up. My lfs told me the treatment for lymph is 1: leave it alone and it will go aay in time, or 2: I can cut them off. Well I am not about to...
  9. chefjoeyp

    help please

    I have a pair of captive bred O clowns in a 12 gallon aquapod. I know that the one we think is female has lymphocytis (I know wrong spelling). We have had them for about two months and they had been the only fish in this tank. We recently added a green BTA and an arrow crab. My wife noticed the...
  10. chefjoeyp

    Help me tell what is wrong

    I have a pair of captive bred O clowns in a 12 gallon aquapod. I know that the one we think is female has lymphocytis (I know wrong spelling). We have had them for about two months and they had been the only fish in this tank. We recently added a green BTA and an arrow crab. My wife noticed...
  11. chefjoeyp

    Sebae tearing itself-HELP-

    Thank you all for all the advice and info. There is a lot that I did not know. I do think that the thread has strayed from my orig question. What would cause her to "tear herself apart" I find it unusual now, as I have been up with her all night (geez am I hooked) and she is really fighting...
  12. chefjoeyp

    Sebae tearing itself-HELP-

    not enough light? then what are these made for, it has dual daylight and dual actinic. It is specifically designed for reefs. and I don't think it will outgrow my tank as what is in there now is all there will be. and my water conditions are fine, they have been stable for over a year.
  13. chefjoeyp

    Sebae tearing itself-HELP-

    I guess so far no one knows, chemical warfare? maybe. I have put a pic here, even though the tank is small, they are as far away as can be from one another. the sebae is in the sand (sorry older pic, the carpet is not there anymore, it was moved to my 100g) and the cury is hidden in a nook at...
  14. chefjoeyp

    Sebae tearing itself-HELP-

    I guess so far no one knows, chemical warfare? maybe. I have put a pic here, even though the tank is small, they are as far away as can be from one another. the sebae is in the sand (sorry older pic, the carpet is not there anymore, it was moved to my 100g) and the cury is hidden in a nook at...
  15. chefjoeyp

    Sebae tearing itself-HELP-

    I bought this sebae anenome yesterday at my lfs. I put him in my 12g aquapod, here are my parameters sand substrate 13lbs lr sal: 1.025 ph: 8.2 - 8.3 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 10 phosphate: 0 KH: 161ppm calcium 440 ppm in this tank besides the lr I have curlyQ anemone and 2 captive raised...
  16. chefjoeyp

    Damsels and anemone?? HELP

    I am having the pros do it. We have a ompany here Arylic tank manufaturingwho does remarkable work, they are at they custom build tank, I was lucky enough to go into their plant and see how they do it. check em out
  17. chefjoeyp

    Damsels and anemone?? HELP

    Thanks, The tank has been running for about 6months, the lighting on this system is MH, can't quote exatly the wattage but I know the manager at my lfs very well and it had to penetrate 36 inches, beause of an algae bloow right after I put the light in, i only have it running 8 hours a day...
  18. chefjoeyp

    Damsels and anemone?? HELP

    I am a bit stumped, I have a 120 gal cube, I have 2 bubble anemones and a maroon clown. I got the clown first, a week later got the first anemone, they bonded immediately, 2 weeks later got the second anemone, within an hour the clown got to that one too, I didn't know a lown would host with 2...
  19. chefjoeyp

    Feather Duster Eggs??? Help

    Prob right, just got him 3 days ago, got a bubble anemone yesterday, My lighting is very good, but not MH, that is ariving tomorrow. More pics will b posted on my site later, would love your suggestions
  20. chefjoeyp

    Feather Duster Eggs??? Help

    I wonder if my lightfooted sally would take care of it. I know my snails have no interest. Maybe you can help with another question. My anemone (Fl Condi) sems to have buried himself in a crevice . he seems healthy and I fed him last night, but i thought thee may be a lighting issue. all...