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  1. bustedadam

    What is this on my leather?!?

  2. bustedadam

    Brain ID Help

    Purchased this brain today, LFS had it placed high in the tank. Will it be ok at the same level in my tank, and does anyone know exactly what kind of brain it is? I have 130w orbit on a 29g tank. Thanks!
  3. bustedadam

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    Found this itty bitty snail earlier this evening...anyone have an ID? Is it good or bad? The first pic shows his size, the second one is a close-up view.
  4. bustedadam

    Do You Name Your Fishes?

    I actually had a "naming contest" for my two clownfish. I posted a blog on MySpace with pics of the fish and asked friends to come up with some names for them. The winning names are Carter and Layla. I have had Eric Clapton stuck in my head for a week now!! Here's the names of the other...
  5. bustedadam


    FINALLY got Layla into the formalin bath. Any suggestions on the best way to catch a fish without disturbing rockwork and other tank inhabitants (corals and inverts)? I felt like the longer it went on, the better she got at hiding! I had to take some of the rockwork out to catch her...I would...
  6. bustedadam


    How long can the formulin stay in a seperate tank and still be considered "good"? The reason I ask is, we have been trying to catch the clown all day for his second bath and have had no luck. The formulin has been mixing in a seperate tank since 10:00am this morning.
  7. bustedadam


    So far, the clown seems to be doing better! The spots/peeling have gone down. There is only one visible white spot at this time. I managed to get a picture. This time it only took me about 15 shots...these guys are fast! He is swimming and eating normally. Today is his day off from the formalin...
  8. bustedadam


    I used a rio power filter without a filter in it for the air in the bath. The medication I have has the brand name "Formalin" (made by Aquarium Products) and it is 37% formaldehyde. It already seems to have worked pretty well...the spots on his/her skin have gone down significantly. I'll try and...
  9. bustedadam


    We just happened to find it at our local saltwaterfish store (great store, you just need to know what you are getting before going in there). We had no luck looking for it at the large pet retail stores. Hope you can get your hands on some! A
  10. bustedadam


    The bath went well. He is back to swimming around like nothing is wrong, eating well and everything. I will continue this process for the recommended 5 treatments and post my progress on here. On a side note, I feel that even for being a tank raised clown, he is a strong little fella. :happyfish
  11. bustedadam


    He's in a 2 gallon pico tank right now, well aerated, and with his own heater. He freaked out for the first couple of minutes, but now he is swimming around normally.
  12. bustedadam

    Sick Clown? Help please.

    We have another clownfish who shows no signs of disease. We also have two shrimp (fire and cleaner), 5 snails, a dozen scarlet hermits, and a purple urchin. We also have some green star polyps, sun coral, yellow fiji lether, zoos, and some mushrooms. Everything else in the tank is doing great...
  13. bustedadam


    He is in the formalin bath as I type...I'll keep you posted on his condition...keep your fingers crossed!
  14. bustedadam


    Thanks for the reply...we've had the fish right at one week. Everything looked fine until yesterday. I will be going to the fish store first thing to get some Formalin. I noticed there are a few different types of Formalin...which one do you recommend?
  15. bustedadam


    Does this look like Brooklynella? Started feeding with garlic-soaked foods to boost immune system. Will be going to the lfs tomorrow to look for the Formalin...any other suggestions for treatment or ideas on what this might be? Thanks!
  16. bustedadam

    Sick Clown? Help please.

    Hey all, I posted this in the disease forum but wanted to post it here also in hopes that it would breed a response. I have a tank raised percula clown and it recently developed some white areas on it's belly (doesn't look like ick, it is more raised and oval shaped). In the link below, there is...
  17. bustedadam

    Clown with 2 white spots by gills?

    My clownfish is also having similar problems. I noticed a couple of white spots below his gills last night. He is still eating and swimming fine. Today, the spots aren't as big, but they look a little more fleshy. I managed to get a picture, you can see the white fleshy spots on his belly. Maybe...
  18. bustedadam

    Leather ID Help

    ok, that is what i was afraid of. I purchased it remembering that leathers are a fairly easy coral to care for, and my luck, I purchased one of the more difficult ones. Any tips for keeping it healthy? He is in a medium flow area right now and I dose with phyto and have 130watts of orbit...
  19. bustedadam

    Leather ID Help

    Anybody know what type of leather this is?
  20. bustedadam

    Loves me a Sun Coral

    So...They are slowy coming out in full bloom. I noticed that I have 3 stalks of black sun coral and even one stalk of yellow mixed it with the main orange stalks. Is it normal to find a mix like this all on one rock or did i stumble onto something a little unique?