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  1. hassasin

    New tank shopping list!

    :) Alright guys, on Tuesday im going to go buy the initial things to set-up my 10 gallon nano. That is of course barring any setbacks from that bothersome hurricane Ivan thats out there. I live in Miami, so it may slow me down. Anyways, I need a shopping list to take when I go to my LFS. So...
  2. hassasin

    7 Gallon Minibow Just Set Up

    :notsure: What type of light fixture did u order for ur new tank? I want to set one up, but dont know much about quality brands and nessecary wattage and such. Is there a package I can buy that would give me the lights I need and alll? Also, what size powerhead would u recommend? I was going to...
  3. hassasin


    Sorry to here about that. I live in miami, and I was going to start my tank last week, but decided to wait to see which way the hurricane was going. God knows if I would have started the tank last week, the hurricane would have turned around and come right at me, just my luck. Good luck with ur...
  4. hassasin

    Which is better?

    Fitting is not the problem, its the weight. Like I said, this tank has to go on my desk, and I dont think it can take the close to 100 hundred pounds that I think it would wiegh ( u know, water, rocks, and sand). That just seems like alot of weight. Thanks though, I appreciate the info:) .
  5. hassasin

    7 Gallon Minibow Just Set Up

    Nice, what do plan to put in it? Keep us informed:D <--worlds greatest smilie
  6. hassasin

    Which is better?

    Thanks clownnut, what about the 7 gallon for the percula, see the thing is, this tank has to go on my desk in my room. I dont have anywhere else to put it, and my desk is very strong. Also, if I went with the 7 gallon, what wattage bulb should I get, or is available for it. Thanks for the...
  7. hassasin

    Which is better?

    :) OH, that makes sense, thanks. What GPH should I be looking for for a 5 gallon tank. Again, I would like to eventually keep a percular clown in there with some LR, and LS and a cleanup crew. I saw one of these HOB's that is rated at 170gph. Is that enough? Again, thanks for the info.
  8. hassasin

    Which is better?

    This might sound stupid, but what is an HOB? And, while ur answering, where would I get one for the 5 gallon? Thanks for the reply. :joy: Also, Where would I get the 20 watt 50/50 bulb?
  9. hassasin

    New six gallon help please

    Thanks for the reply, is there a 50/50 bulb available for the 7 gallon minibow? Id love to know where I can get one. Or know what to put into google to find the place where I can get the 50/50. I didnt mean an anenome, I thought that all things that hung of the rocks were called "anenomes". I...
  10. hassasin

    Which is better?

    Which is the better tank, the minibow5, minibow7, or the eclipse 6? :confused: It seems like the minibow5 has a higher wattage light than the 7, but I dont know if the filter system on the eclipse is better. I just want to put some live rock and sand, along with a couple of small shrimp, a...
  11. hassasin

    Anenome in a 20 gallon?

    On the website, when is says that a coral needs "medium light", what does that stand for? Is the light that comes in the nano considered "medium"?:notsure: If not, what would be a good retrofit kit to put on?
  12. hassasin

    Anenome in a 20 gallon?

    What would be an example of an "easy" coral? That is something that I have been wondering for quite some while.
  13. hassasin

    12g nanocube nitrate problem, help!

    Just out of curiosity, what is the benefit to taking out the bioballs and ceramics? Im asking because I dont know anything about these things, and Im about to buy a nanocube. Also, as I was looking at the eclipse and the nano, I noticed the nano has a much better quality set of lights, are the...
  14. hassasin

    New tank help!

    Hey all, I have a question. I am planning on buying the nanacube, and was wondering if it has some sort of an equivalent to a powerhead built in, or if I should buy one? :notsure: Also, what is the purpose of the powerhead? I think its to keep water flowing for the fish, but if thats all it...
  15. hassasin

    New six gallon help please

    From other posts, I think im gonna do a percula clown, and I was hoping to put two shrimp. Would any shrimp be good, or is there some kind in particular that I should be looking for? Also, I would like to put in a hermit crab or something like that :joy: , I like those, and as far as I...
  16. hassasin

    New six gallon help please

    Alright, ive read alot on these forums for the past few days, and I have some questions. First of all, if I want to start a 6 gallon nano, what type of fish would be ok in there, if I also put in two shrimp, and 5 pounds of LS, and some LR? I would like something like a clown, but really just...
  17. hassasin

    eclipse 6 stocking?

    Shark, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is an awesome tank, and exactly what I want to do. Is that a clown on the right side? When I go to the LFS, what do I ask for to start a tank like that. Its amazing!!! Also, what is the difference between live rock and coral, and how long should I wait to put in...
  18. hassasin

    New tank help!

    Salty, that is a great article, thanks. Now, when I go into the LFS, what are the things I should buy. So far I was going to buy a tank (duh), some LR, and LS, and Ill buy a dead shrimp the way the article said. The LFS I am going to go to has salt water he mixes, and I can get from a pvc tube...
  19. hassasin

    water poisoning

    :notsure: This is probably the dumbest question in the world, but my brother asked, and I didnt have an answer. Can one go to the ocean and take sand from the sea. I imagine there are many drawbacks, maybe has some sickness for example, but I was just wondering. Please dont make too much fun of...
  20. hassasin

    New tank help!

    Bump.....bump......and away!!! Sorry, I need help. and I probably wont get many responses 3 pages back. :nervous: