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  1. hassasin

    Please post any pics of 12 gallon nanos

    Thats awesome, can one keep fish in a six gallon? I would love to have a small tank like that, but im afrad I wont be able to maintain it, and that I wont be able to keep any fish in it. Please, more people post some pics,:D
  2. hassasin

    Please post any pics of 12 gallon nanos

    :happyfish Guys and Gals, im about to start a new saltwater tank (my first one ever), probably in the next month. Id love it if anybody out there with pictures of a 12 or so gallon tank would post them here. I want to get some ideas, and also, some advice. So, please, post ur pics and advice...
  3. hassasin

    New tank help!

    I appreciate it, and yeah, I expect to have alot of fun with it. Ive been waiting to start one for a long time, and as soon as I pay for my classes in a couple of weeks, I'm gonna get started. I know I newbys should start with a bigger tank, but I dont have that luxury. Also, I have spoken with...
  4. hassasin

    New tank help!

    Hi all, This is my first post on this board, aswell as my first saltwater tank. I'm about to start a saltwater tank, im going to go with a 12 gallon tank, maybe the Nano Cube. I want to put some live rock, and live sand, a couple of shrimp, and a couple of hermit crabs. To top it off, maybe 1...