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  1. frankl

    Help out of control worm?

    I have these 2 worms coming out of my live rock. they kind of look like tape worms or a centepede. Maybee 2" long with a pinkish color and feathery white (many) feet. I'm pretty sure they ate my flame scallop in one night and now they are eating other anemones that are close to the rock. what...
  2. frankl

    purple sea whip ?

    I recieved my purple sea whip today. Do I just burry in the sand or do I try to attach to a live rock what is best for this. thanks
  3. frankl

    Acclimation question-newbie

    I am adding my first corals, sponges, plants etc.. today. Do I acclimate them the same way as my fish that I added. Someone please let me know soon because they are arriving this morning. Thanks
  4. frankl

    I need skimmer help-quick

    My skimmer is producing bubbles fine however the volume of water in the skimmer is rising and sometimes overflowing I need to add more water to my tank but I can't because the skimmer will overflow. What am I doing wrong. thanks
  5. frankl

    skimmer help

    My protein skimmer seems like it is working however the water started to overflow on the outake side. The air hose is not clogged what could be the problem. Please help
  6. frankl

    What is it?

    After your UFO suggestions I did some research and the verdict is: it is a spaghetti worm. Thanks everybody
  7. frankl

    What is it?

    I have this thing in one of my live rocks. It is covered up with sand. It has some maroon looking hairs and very long tentacles that are clear with black dashes on them. The tentacles are like 4 inches long and are working around the rocks. Is this something that I should leave in the rock. I...
  8. frankl

    Tiny white Microbes

    I'm new, I have these tiny white microbes type things on my tank wall. I just added snails a few days ago and these tiny things are moving around on tank wall. What is it? Do I need to get rid of it? Thanks