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  1. frankl

    explanation needed!

    I had just started running a fluval system to help with clearing up my water. I was also running a backpak protein skimmer All on a 30 upright gallon tank. Well I turned off my protein skimmer and when I came into work the corals are now perking up and looking much better. could the protein...
  2. frankl

    Louisiana Reefers?

    New orleans Love the stuff.
  3. frankl


    I had them, and purchased an arrow crab to help. The stupid thing would sit right over top of the worm and do nothing(I think they might have even been drinking buddies) I have left most of my small worms to help with the cleanup. the bigger ones I try to remove by hand. You have to watch them...
  4. frankl

    Bio wheels...

    I added a bio wheel to help with my skimmer. It has done a great job in clearing up my water and helps my skimmer from collecting old food particles.
  5. frankl

    Do i need the hang-on flter?

    I added a hang on to go with my skimmer. I found that it really took the load off the skimmer as far as refuse is concerned. It also cleaned off the film at the top of the tank. I'm new so you can probably take or leave my advice. Someone with more experience may give you better advice
  6. frankl

    Help with Alkalinity

    I keep measuring my alk. and it is still way off the charts above normal. My calcium is at 400. Everything else is pretty normal. Fish and corals seem to be okay. I put agramilk everyday in with buffering. Should I stop that. I pretty new at this and would appreciate any advice.
  7. frankl


    It is the 2 version. I just have a sponge. I made the mistake of washing it out with tap water last weak(stupid) . I think I just need to rinse out with salt water before I do my water changes. Unless anyone has advice
  8. frankl


    I have a cpr bak pak 2 . It has a filter at the bottom not bio bale just looks like a filter. I have cleaned it out from time to time . will these build up or make your nitrates high in the tank. do you need this filter or will my live rock naturally help filter the tank. I'm still new so any...
  9. frankl

    Frustrated with sebae anemonie

    I should have taken him out sooner. You guys were right. I came into my office this morning and took it out. It fell into a million pcs, and man did this thing smell. I did a 5 gallon water change right away. I figured this would be best. So the moral is if it looks like it's dying it probably...
  10. frankl

    Frustrated with sebae anemonie

    just looked again, has milky white stuff coming from center of it. What is up with this thing
  11. frankl

    Frustrated with sebae anemonie

    For a while he looked withdrawn (not falling apart) very tiny tentacles. yesterday he looked like he was coming back. I try to perch him on a rock and all he wants to do is keep trying to get to the sand on the bottom of the tank. It looks like something is coming out of the center of him like...
  12. frankl

    High alkalinity? What do I need to do

    I forgot I have a bak pak protein skimmer. It had been a while since I cleaned it out and yesterday the filter was pretty dirty. The water is much more clear today than it has been. Should I add more hermit crabs to help with nitrates? Thanks Frank
  13. frankl

    High alkalinity? What do I need to do

    My test only measures high or low and the alk is high. I have no way to measure calcium. I put some calcium(argonite) supplement in every night. I also had put in some bioenzyme that the LFS said will help get nitrates and amonia in check. I think I may be overfeeding my fish. So how do I get...
  14. frankl

    High alkalinity? What do I need to do

    Okay NO2 is 0.2, ammonia 0.25 PH 8.0 and Alk is measuring high.. Temp of tank is 79(supply all info so someone can help)Do I need to do something about this. Yesterday I cleaned out my filters, skimmer and some of my equipment all with fresh water. Tank looks clean fish all act normal...
  15. frankl

    sebae anemonie- Please help dying

    I think it is dying. Nitrates and alk Salinity all seem okay. It used to be open and large it seems like it is getting smaller should I be feeding this thing directly. I just assumed it absorbed nutrients and didn't have to feed it directly. Other anemonies are doing fine. I hate to lose this...
  16. frankl

    arrow crab question

    I purchased some arrow crabs to help get rid of some bristle worms(big ones). The crabs seem to always poke at the anemones and strike at fish. Are these crabs good to have for a reef tank or would I be better to just build a bristle worm trap and get my worms that way. Thanks
  17. frankl

    turning off skimmer

    besides cleaning should you just turn off your protein skimmer. Could it sometimes work to well and be taking out necessary minerals or elements.
  18. frankl

    My first water change

    I have a 30 gallon The tank has been running almost 3.5 months. I have 2 clowns and 1 damsel and 1 blenney. I use distilled water. I checked all my tests this morning and everything looks okay. One of my anemones looked a little droopy I assume this is from the water change.
  19. frankl

    Help with Leather coral

    My coral finger leather looked like it was part eaten and looked real droopy I took off the end that was torn apart is this something that I can put the rest back in the tank and will it grow or is it toxic. thanks
  20. frankl

    My first water change

    I did my first water change is there any thing I should pay carefull attention to after doing this. any help would ge great. New at this. Thanks Frank