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  1. fishwater

    Torch with broken skeleton

    How can I tell if it is dead? Thanks
  2. fishwater

    Can't get dead fish out of tank

    The tank is a biocube 29. I plan on adding more of a cleanup crew, but going slow. What and how many more should I get?
  3. fishwater

    Can't get dead fish out of tank

    One of my clowns recently died. I tested water and ammonia and nitrites are 0, nitrates 20, ph 8.3, and salinity 1.028. I know the salinity is a little high, but can this kill a fish? Also, the dead clown is behind a rock and I can't get it out with out taking the whole tank apart. There is no...
  4. fishwater

    Torch with broken skeleton

    I got a small torch frag, but the skeleton is broken. What are the chances of it being ok and living. It looks like the base is broken into 3 small pieces. I will try to take a picture later. Thanks.
  5. fishwater

    Should I buy frags or grown?

    I have the stock lights that came with the biocube. Are there any other water parameters that I should monitor if I get frag? Also, will I need any suplements for them to grow? Thanks for all the help.
  6. fishwater

    Should I buy frags or grown?

    I have a biocube 29 with 30 punds live rock, 20 pounds live sand. I have 8 snails, 5 hermits and 2 clowns. Last time I got my water tested everything was 0 except nitrates were around 40. Ph was 8.2 and salinity was 1.026. My temp stays right around 80. This was before fish were added. They were...
  7. fishwater

    Should I buy frags or grown?

    I'm about to add my first coral to my tank and was wandering if I should buy a frag or a grown coral. The frags are about half the price of the grown. How long do frags take to grow and is there anything special that has to be done with frags compared to grown coral? Thanks.
  8. fishwater

    Feeding clowns

    The food I got for my clowns sinks as soon as I place it in the tank. It is Kent's platinum and they are little pellets. Will my clowns still eat the food from the bottom or should I get some type of floating food? What type of food do ya'll suggest. Thanks.
  9. fishwater

    Best clown food?

    I just got two clown fish and have been feeding them kent's platinum. It seems like the food sinks too fast for them to eat. Is this normal, or should I get a different type of food. Thanks.
  10. fishwater

    Best clown food?

    I just got two clown fish and have been feeding them kent's platinum. It seems like the food sinks too fast for them to eat. Is this normal, or should I get a different type of food. Thanks.
  11. fishwater

    brown stringy algae

    My tank has been set up for about 4 weeks with 30 pounds live rock and 20 pounds live sand. My algae bloom started about a week ago. Now I have a brownish/ dark green string algae growing on some of the rocks. It almost looks like cotton candy or a hair ball of really small hairs. Is this...
  12. fishwater

    my 29g biocube pics

    I used 30 pounds of live rock and 20 pounds of sand.
  13. fishwater

    my 29g biocube pics

    Does anyone know what the hitchhiker might be that's in the pic?
  14. fishwater

    my 29g biocube pics

    The first compartment in the back has a cut out for wires to run through. I just ran the wire up the back and through the hole. You can still see some of the wire but it doesn't get pinched by the top.
  15. fishwater

    my 29g biocube pics

    I plan on adding coral eventually but I want to take it slow. Not sure what to add. Any suggestions?
  16. fishwater

    my 29g biocube pics

    I put my live rock and sand in last Wednesday. Let me know what you think. I'm open to suggestions. I also put a maxi-jet 400 in the tank. It is located in the tank's back left and is pointed through the rocks towards the front right corner. Do you think this is a good spot for it? Also, can...
  17. fishwater

    short cycle

    Thanks. The rock was shipped so i am going to give it a few more weeks before adding anything else and see what happens. Should I go ahead and do a water change even though the cycle was so small. Or wait and see if it cycles again. Thanks for all the help.
  18. fishwater

    short cycle

    I have a 29g biocube that I put 30 pounds of live rock and 20 pounds of live sand in on wednesday. I tested the water wednesday night and ammonia was up to .25, my nitrates were between 0 and .25 and my nitrites were 0. I tested the water today, saturday, and everything was back to zero. The...