Search results

  1. steven's un

    Sealife Protein Skimmer

    Okay........i purchased a sealife protein skimmer with my wet/dry this a good skimmer? I filled the filter up with water to see if it worked and it didn't seem quite right.............Now, the tank hasn't been fileld up ........i was just wondering how does it look in...
  2. steven's un

    Sealife Protein Skimmer

    okay................i bought a sealife protein it any good............i dont have the tank up and running......but i did fill the filter where the skimmer is located up with water...when i filled it with didn't seem like it was working just right........can you...
  3. steven's un

    Starting tank

    HELP......i need to know what i will need(everything) to get my tank started and other supplies that are helpful.......i have a 55 gallon tank(have lighting and filter and protein skimmer) will be a reef tank
  4. steven's un

    supplies needed for setup

    This is going to be a fish only, but i plan to upgrade in a i would like to hold off on lighting, but i would like to know which is best..........i have good fish only lighting now
  5. steven's un

    supplies needed for setup

    OKay, i have a 55 gallon saltwater tank................................................................................ i was wondering what i will be needing to get the thing running........ i have a good wet/dry and besides the tank, thats it......i know i need a heater, but i cant find...
  6. steven's un

    choosing the best filter for $

    I like the emperor 400, but i wanted one that would go in the stand like a goo wet/dry. I can not use a hang on
  7. steven's un

    choosing the best filter for $

    I would just like to know what would be a good filter(prefer wet/dry) for a saltwater 55 gallon tank. if you feel like it tell me about the best protein skimmer too. Thanks. I really don't want to spend over 200 for filter. bye