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  1. tjohnson139

    Algae on coral

    So, I just talked with my lfs. They said to only run the light 5 to 6 hours a day. Is that long enough? Will that solve the problem?
  2. tjohnson139

    looking for help with first tank + info what they wish they didin there first set up

    Your lfs will have them. They're not too cheap.
  3. tjohnson139

    Algae on coral

    I have a 50-gal bow-front, only 20 pounds of live rock right now, cc substrate, have a 30-gallon refugium set up (caulerpa, miracle mud, etc) for the filtration system, a SeaClone 100 protein skimmer, two power-heads, a 192-watt CF lighting system with daylight, actinic lights and moon-light...
  4. tjohnson139

    Algae on coral

    My tank's fairly new - about three months old. I just bought a green star polyp about a week ago. My lfs said I have everything right - the right lighting, salinity, etc. It did very well for a few days, then started growing brown algae. The algae is choking it out. It won't open, it's starting...