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  1. jmbr082885

    Cycling Taking Forever

    two 350 gph powerheads, and one 450 pond pump
  2. jmbr082885

    Cycling Taking Forever

    basically, i didn't get the test kit until a week ago, it is aquarium pharmacuticals, and i took the frozen shrimp out after they got all nasty looking. (about a week and a half) i will be going for a reef tank.
  3. jmbr082885

    Cycling Taking Forever

    hey all, i set up my new tank like four weeks ago, and it seem like it is taking a really long time to cycle, i put in three frozen shrimp at first. my ammonia is a .25 and the trates and trites are still pretty high. just wondering, how long should it take to cycle a tank? i have a 55gal, w 30...
  4. jmbr082885

    Live rock critters

    hey all, i just got a polyp rock, and a mushroom rock about two weeks ago. last night i got to looking at them and saw some little fanworms growing off of the mushroom rock. i thought that was the coolest thing. then a little later, i started to move some of the dead corals, over to the new...
  5. jmbr082885

    Shrimp and temperature problems

    what about the temp?
  6. jmbr082885

    Shrimp and temperature problems

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 ok 1.023 is alittle low for shrimp they like 1.025 to 1.026 ok i will bump it up a little tonight
  7. jmbr082885

    Shrimp and temperature problems

    yeah i do have two tanks, i am waiting for the new tank to cycle before i put the shrimps and the two corals i have in, i will use the 23 for a hospital tank. specific gravity in both tanks is at 10.23
  8. jmbr082885

    crazy tank shots

    sorry hit the button too fast
  9. jmbr082885

    crazy tank shots

    heres mine thought the lighting was cool
  10. jmbr082885

    Shrimp and temperature problems

    so you are saying the nitrogen cycle produces heat?
  11. jmbr082885

    Shrimp and temperature problems

    hey guys, first of all, I had 2 pep shrimp, 2 camel shrimp, and a fire shrimp. i found one of the camels on the floor and the other one just dissapeared about three weeks ago. About two weeks ago, one of the shrimp molted, i thought, and i havent seen it since. then the other pep shrimp molted...
  12. jmbr082885

    temperature fluctuations

    hi all, it seems to me that my coralife 250 watt 48" inch 10,000k and actnic blue lightings system is keeping my system at 80 (or so ) degrees. i am runnigs only 150 watts of heater in the sump, and they are both set at 76 degrees. i don't want to have the temp fluctuate that much from day to...
  13. jmbr082885

    problems with overflows

    did you plumb them so that they are connected? or do they both have seperate drains to the sump?
  14. jmbr082885

    Moving up

    here are some pics the lighting is a 250 watt
  15. jmbr082885

    Moving up

    i ran into a problem with my 23 gal flatback hex, all my fish died. i was out of money and almost lost hope. then things turned around. got my tax return, and bought a 55 gal, w/prizm skimmer, i made a refugium out of an other 20 gal tank. i have a coralife 10,000k and actnic 48" lighting...
  16. jmbr082885

    problems with overflows

    first of all, did you plumb the system yourself? i have found it useful to put a ball valve on the return side, to control the return flow, and as far as with the overflow, if you make sort of like a p-trap, (like under your sink) it will cut down on any noises (gurgling and such) and help to...