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  1. wahoowa

    Taking on the Foam Rock Background --- Need Some Help

    What about the stagnant water behind the eggcrate? Won't that cause problems?
  2. wahoowa

    Taking on the Foam Rock Background --- Need Some Help

    yeah man I appreciate it. I'm drawing ideas from all kinds of places, but that def. had some great ideas and insight.
  3. wahoowa

    Taking on the Foam Rock Background --- Need Some Help

    Looks like I'll be doing attempting the wall this weekend! I'm probably just going to start a new thread, so keep your eyes peeled.
  4. wahoowa

    Taking on the Foam Rock Background --- Need Some Help

    Originally Posted by socal57che Now you're talkin'... This is gonna be cool. Thanks man. My fear is that its gonna be way expensive though. Any thoughts on if I should just bust up some live rock or go with that other stuff?
  5. wahoowa

    Taking on the Foam Rock Background --- Need Some Help

    Originally Posted by bs21 i remember reading a thread on another board about a guy that used the expandanble foam but then would put rock salt over it as it expanded to pit it and give it a more natural look. after foam cured he would remove the rock salt then run fresh water through the tank...
  6. wahoowa

    Taking on the Foam Rock Background --- Need Some Help

    So I've decided to take on the foam rock background, but with my own twist. I see that most who choose to do the project often use big pieces of live rock on the wall. Rather than doing that, I am going to use very small pieces of rock , something like if you were to put a hammer to a piece of...
  7. wahoowa

    65gallon R.R. - Any ideas or thoughts before I set it up?

    I think if I were to do it, I would just epoxy the back eggcrate to the base eggcrate, so that the weight of my base rock would hold everything down. Won't this project ruin the rock though if I decide that I don't like it?
  8. wahoowa

    65gallon R.R. - Any ideas or thoughts before I set it up?

    That absolutely scares the hell out of me lol. That looks SOOOO sweet but I'd be so afraid to take that project on. I feel like I'd majorly mess something up or that somewhere down the road something on the back wall would break or the foam would release toxins or something. I don't...
  9. wahoowa

    65gallon R.R. - Any ideas or thoughts before I set it up?

    I will be honest with you and have no idea what you are talking about lol. What is it? Oh and I also thought about cutting eggcrate for the bottom so that there aren't pressure points on my glass. Originally Posted by socal57che Do a false rock back wall.
  10. wahoowa

    65gallon R.R. - Any ideas or thoughts before I set it up?

    I just picked up a 65 gallon R.R. tank, sump, pump, stand, and canopy retro'd with one halide, two 22" T5's (all for $200 ). I currently have a 75 gallon and am going to transfer my stuff over next month. I wanted to know from you guys though if there is anything I should do ahead of time that I...
  11. wahoowa

    How Big of a Cleanup Crew for a 75 gallon?

    Awesome, I'll have to do that. I'll probably pick up 10 hermits, 20 snails, an emerald, and a brittle start to start out with. That should be a great addition to my C.U.C. of 8 lol. I'm hoping they take care of some of my algae probs.
  12. wahoowa

    How Big of a Cleanup Crew for a 75 gallon?

    Good deal. I was looking at SWF's reef packages and they were talking like 60+ snails and hermits combined ----it just seemed a little drastic to me.
  13. wahoowa

    How Big of a Cleanup Crew for a 75 gallon?

    I've seen a lot of varying opinions on cleanup crews and I know mine is way understocked so I wanted to get some opinions on what I should have in my tank. It is a 75 gallon w/ a canister and wet/dry, 150lbs of live rock, stocked with a false percula, firefish, engineer goby, threadfin...
  14. wahoowa

    Can't Find Hippo Tang - Wedged in Rock???

    I'll keep my eye on the amonia. No anemones whatsoever....its the craziest thing.
  15. wahoowa

    Can't Find Hippo Tang - Wedged in Rock???

    So on top of my new butterflies not eating, I can't find my small hippo tang. He has been eating great and is very active. The last time I saw him was yesturday evening. I woke up this morning....nowhere to be found. During the day....nowhere. This evening.....nowhere. Assuming he was dead, I...
  16. wahoowa

    Fish Wish List! Advice please!!!

    You need to have a very established tank to have a Mandrin, I'd say a year on at least. I went against the advice of ppl on the boards and when I put mine in, it died a month and a half later. And that was in a 55 with about 150lbs of live rock. Take your time with it and it will pay off.....
  17. wahoowa

    Threadfin and Pearlscale Butterflies Won't Eat - ANY IDEAS?

    I'll have to try that. Is it a special kind of garlic..or can I just get some at the grocery store?
  18. wahoowa

    Tank Broke Yesterday..... :-(

    I'm really sorry to hear about your tank, but a note to everyone....STAY AWAY FROM BOWFRONTS. I had the same experience with mine about two months ago. Everything was great, then I heard something hit the floor....turned out to be the water from the bottom. I don't care who has had success with...
  19. wahoowa

    Choose one fish.......

    I agree with the sixline, unfort. my died/got killed, but he was the coolest little fish and very active!