Choose one fish.......


I agree with the sixline, unfort. my died/got killed, but he was the coolest little fish and very active!

bang guy

Originally Posted by Life~Reefer
I may stay away from the neon gobies if they have a short lifespan. How short we talking??
12 - 18 months.
Clown Gobies can also be very entertaining, they live much longer. They have been known to eat SPS polyps though.


Active Member
WOW, i did not know a purple tang could live that long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW lol


Well I want it for more than a year so i will scratch that off the list! thanks for the info!
So both the sixline and firefish jump??
How do I make a top??


Originally Posted by Life~Reefer
Well I want it for more than a year so i will scratch that off the list! thanks for the info!
So both the sixline and firefish jump??
How do I make a top??
I have a cleaner shrimp and my sixline never bothers him. I guess making a top would depend on what your lights and hood would allow. You'd be happy with a six line. I had firefish but took them back to the LFS, i had them from 8 mths and they hid constintly. When i took them back is when i got my six line he's now my favorite fish....


Man I can't decide! My lights are metal halides and I have no hood! Any suggestions on making a top??
Enetually when I decide I will let all you good helpers know!!

bang guy

Eggcrate is not a perfect solution but it's better than nothing. A Firefish WILL eventually find a way out.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
12 - 18 months.
Clown Gobies can also be very entertaining, they live much longer. They have been known to eat SPS polyps though.
Clown gobies eat polyps???? I didn't know that. I have 2 yellow clown gobies in each of my tanks, and they never bother anything...they use my corals as sleeping pads...LOL
I also have a firefish with has not jumped.
TO make an eggcrate top, just go to building store and buy a piece, cut to size, and put it on....very simple
I would get a flame angel...they are very colorful and very active, and would work great in your size tank.


Active Member
You could always try a couple Zebra Barred Dartfish. They're easy to keep, peaseful fish and reef safe. Haven't read anything about them being avid jumpers. Plus, they're rather interesting to look at.


Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
You could always try a couple Zebra Barred Dartfish. They're easy to keep, peaseful fish and reef safe. Haven't read anything about them being avid jumpers. Plus, they're rather interesting to look at.
Thanks for the input! I see you are from Oklahoma! GO SOONERS!!!!