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  1. violet puff

    Very Sick Fish

    I'm a stupid newbie I know. But there are lives at risk here, can someone please tell me how long it takes to cycle the QT tank? I know it took a few weeks for the main tank. I have the rubbermaid 14 gallon and salt water mixing. Can someone please help, my fish and I are suffering
  2. violet puff

    Very Sick Fish

    Also, yesterday when i went to get the water tested, they said there was a phosphate problem. We installed this bag of stuff called ROWA phos phospate remover. Thats all they told us to do, with water changes and said nothing about the other tank. It obviously didnt work because I lost my...
  3. violet puff

    Very Sick Fish

    so it isn't completely necessary to cycle the QT tank? I've read the posts by Beth on how to set them up, and If I get the right water parameters how soon is it ok to put Roscoe (puffer) in the QT tank? I lost the tang this morning :....(
  4. violet puff

    Very Sick Fish

    Alright GeriDoc, thanks. Alot of what i've read (even on here) is that the fish can develop immunities to ich and that sometimes the best thing to do to not further stress them out is to maintain good water parameters and see if they can fight it off themselves. In the 3 weeks it has looked like...
  5. violet puff

    Very Sick Fish

    Don't know what's going on with tank. It's been up and running for a few months. The display tank is a 55 gallon reef tank with 90 lbs of live rock, 2 chromis, 2 cleaner shrimp and multiple snails and hermits. Water parameters are good- Nitrate very low (too low?) at 0-5, Nitrite at 0, pH at...
  6. violet puff

    Good Parasites?? :/

    ok, *phew*
  7. violet puff

    Good Parasites?? :/

    Hey everybody, so last night I noticed what at first apeared to be airbubbles on the tank glass in one spot. Normal, but then as I took a closer look, they were movin' around, what appeared to then be little aphid-type bugs! Then, this morning, the problem has gotten worse and they seem to be...
  8. violet puff

    Porcupine in a 40g?

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX the problem with a planned upgrade something usually ALWAYS comes up so its put off. by the time you know it the fish is to big and you cant upgrade or find it a home. also my porky that was rather small grew quickly and used the entire 4 foot lenght of the 100...
  9. violet puff

    Porcupine in a 40g?

    I have done a lot of research, and I know it is recommended to have a porcupine puffer in larger tank, but space is limited, and I was wondering if I could start out with a baby in a 40g, upgrade down the line, once I get a larger apartment. If 40g is not even suitable at all, then what is the...