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  1. rayray2857

    My Reef Tank

    Lets get a full tank shot!!!!!!!! :happyfish :joy: :happyfish BTW those are awesome pics.
  2. rayray2857

    Power Head ?

    I have had my 20gl reef now for a about a year and a half and its doing pretty good. Now I'm thinking of getting a Power Head for it. How strong of one should I get?
  3. rayray2857

    what is this? lots of pics here to study

    How long have you had your anemone? Have you always had him under pc lights?
  4. rayray2857

    what is this? lots of pics here to study

    What size is your tank. And is that a carpet anemone in the front of the tank?
  5. rayray2857

    what is this? lots of pics here to study

    It also looks like it could possibly be red or purple bubble algae. BTY, what kind of lights do you have???? Just curious. You have a nice looking tank.
  6. rayray2857


    Is 1.022 ok for my salt to be at.
  7. rayray2857

    what is this? lots of pics here to study

    It looks like cyano to me. But I'm not 100% sure.
  8. rayray2857

    free xenias

    Sweetdawn, will you email me at with your address so I can pick some up when you have more. I live in Indianapolis and would really appreciate it. Thanks, Kyle
  9. rayray2857

    Cycle Spike

    It really all depends on what spike you are talkin about, but it should take about 4 weeks for the whole cycle to be over.
  10. rayray2857

    damsel are hungry!!!

    No offense, but you really are hard to understand. LOL. Anyways, the fish would be fine with any kind of freshwater flake food.
  11. rayray2857

    Odyssea 24" 2-65W PC Light W/Fans,legs& Moonlights

    Does anyone know if this light is worth $97.00. Its for my 20GL aquarium.
  12. rayray2857

    answer fast

    I dont know about pods, but I do know they wont be ok on just brine shrimp. Brine shrimp is not a good source of nutrition for fish. It is more like candy for them.
  13. rayray2857


    Hey Your LR will be fine under the light its under now. LR does'nt require as much light as corals and anemones. Now, if you want an anemone for a 75gl, then I would definatley say you need MH (Metal Halide) lights <400 watts. Now if you just want some very very easy corals then I would...
  14. rayray2857

    switching from cc to ls

    That is really up to you and how you want your tank to look, but I would say no less then 40lbs.:happyfish :) :happyfish Hope that helps.
  15. rayray2857

    brittle starfish

    I had the same problem with my 55 gl (when I had one). It was about 6 months old and the brittle stars I had litteraly fell apart. I have no idea why, they just did. My water parameters were perfect. The only thing I can think of is that the tank was'nt established long enough. My suggestion...
  16. rayray2857

    Does Anyone Know How............

    Does anyone know how Mexican Turbo Snails reproduce. Because I was looking in my tank this morning and seen a really small snail on my glass and it looked like a mexican t snail. I have 3 in my tank " now 4 I guess" and was wondering if one could have had a kid. I dont think it could have been...
  17. rayray2857

    and another question...

    Oh, one more thing, the reason for spending the $50 on another flourescent light now is because if you do get your pc lights now and wait a year to get corals, then you are going to have to pay about $100.00-150.00 to replace all the bulbs.
  18. rayray2857

    and another question...

    If you do decide to buy the pc lighting right now, then I would go to ---- and buy the JEBO PC's, they are good lights. I use them and I have some anemones and corals that are just fine with them. IMO I think that water quality is the big factor in whether or not your inhabitants live. Don't get...
  19. rayray2857

    and another question...

    It really all depends on how many watts of lighting you will have with the flourescent lighting, for a fourty-six gl I would recomend no less then 230 watts and thats at least. With that you could keep some easy corals like mushrooms,zoos,polyps, and so on... However I do think you would be...
  20. rayray2857

    whats growing in my tank

    Your description sounds like bubble algae.