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  1. rayray2857

    A good filter alternative?

    You could put a sump on your tank and put you filter on/in it.
  2. rayray2857

    A good hair algae eater

    I was just wondering how big of a tank do you need to have a sea hare, and do they really put ink into the water. Also on average how much do they cost. Thanks,Kyle :happyfish :) :happyfish
  3. rayray2857

    Is it ok to top off with Distilled Water?

    I use distilled water as well and if you look at the lable on some bottles "brands" it says RO on it.
  4. rayray2857

    Quick question on cycling with a Shrimp

    I'm no expert on cycling with shrimp (I use Damsels,) but I would say a cooked one is fine because all you're wanting it to do is decay and spike the ammonia.
  5. rayray2857

    Florida Condi Anemone?????

    How often will my Florida Condi Anemone split? Water Quality is good, I have 220 watts power compact on a 20gal.
  6. rayray2857

    Purple Ritteri Anemone???

    Thanks, for all your help, :)
  7. rayray2857


    That sand bed would be fine. That is An issue with a lot of controversy and in my opinion, It is up to you how deep you want it to be. Hope this helps.:)
  8. rayray2857

    Is This Normal!!!

    Im not sure if it is normal or not, but my friend has one that does the exact same thing. Hes had him for about 4 or 5 months.
  9. rayray2857

    Purple Ritteri Anemone???

    Why does he look bad when I turn my lights on? He only shrivvles up when I turn on my lights. Also my clown is taking food away from the anemone, Why? The clown started hosting him a couple hours after I put him in there.
  10. rayray2857

    purple ritteri anemone???????

    Why does he look bad when I turn my lights on? He only shrivvles up when I turn on my lights. Also my clown is taking food away from the anemone, Why? The clown started hosting him a couple hours after I put him in there.
  11. rayray2857

    I'm new :) Starting new "kid's tank"

    Live Sand is sand that has beneficial bacteria in it, and is good to cycle a tank with. You won't find a lot of people using cc now days because it traps uneaten food and stuff in it. and will release big amounts of unwanted chemicals into the water.
  12. rayray2857

    Asking All Moderators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Those are really nice tanks!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. rayray2857


    LOL! bigarn. I guess thats possible.:)
  14. rayray2857


    Who said I needed to know so bad? I was just wonderin.
  15. rayray2857


    I was looking at Bang Guy, NM reef and Thomas712's(Moderatores) profiles just now, Y are all there birthdays December 31st 1969? I know thats not a coicedence. (spelling)
  16. rayray2857

    Asking All Moderators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can you guys post a pic of all your tanks, please.
  17. rayray2857

    Jebo Lights

    I have the same exact lights and I got them off ----, I've had them about 5 or six months now and they are still going strong. They are definatley worth the price IMO.:yes:
  18. rayray2857

    Lighting Question

    I have never heard of having to much light, because if you think about it, there is no light on earth that could ever match the intensity of the sun and the sun don't burn corals so as long as you don't run them to long and you keep the temp adjusted on your tank I would still go with the second...
  19. rayray2857

    Lighting Question

    I would definatley go with the second choice.:)
  20. rayray2857

    orange starfish

    It is possible that your nitrates are to high, and your starfish is dying. Or it is also possible that the arm in the bottom of the tank will become another starfish. Oh yeah, starfish are very picky about water conditions.