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  1. rayray2857

    Who chooses the pic of the month?????????

    I was just wondering who chooses the winner and what exactly are they looking for in the picture?
  2. rayray2857

    Just wondering?

    How do nitrates keep from building up in the ocean?
  3. rayray2857

    Too many pods??????

    Thanks for the advice.:)
  4. rayray2857

    adding starfish

    I'm gonna warn you why you still have time to get rid of them, damsels are really mean fish and will attack pretty much any other fish you put in the tank. The 3 stripes especially. Since you have such a big tank you could get some really nice fish after its done cycling and you don't want the...
  5. rayray2857

    Too many pods??????

    Is there such thing as having to many pods in a tank? And are they good to have?
  6. rayray2857

    Feather Dusters

    My feather duster threw his feathers ounce b4 and it took them about two weeks to grow back. Now the feathers are about twice as thick as they were b4 and they look great. As far as feeding them goes, I have had mine for about 6 months in a 20 gallon and have never put anything in the water to...
  7. rayray2857

    How long can..........

    How long can a feather duster live?
  8. rayray2857

    Do i need a protein skimmer?

    For A FOWLR tank, I say no, you don't need one. I had a 20 gl set up for about year and never had a skimmer on it and the fish were fine. But if you plan to have a cc star then I would say to definatley get a skimmer.
  9. rayray2857


    When I set up a sump on my tank I have had now for a year, do I just fill it with new saltwater or what. I am putting a 10gl sump on my 20gl aquarium and dont know if that will be to much new water or not.
  10. rayray2857

    Anyone from Indianapolis want to trade protein skimmers

    I have a JEBO Quadplex Spraying Protein Skimmer that does up to 125 gl aquarium. It is brand new, never been used. I ordered it from the internet and I made the mistake of not reading everything about it, So when I got it, I found out that it only works in a sump and I needed a H.O.B ( Hang On...