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  1. drkphx

    How do you adjust a protein skimmer?

    The link should work now. How do I know when I have the correct amount of air and water flow?
  2. drkphx

    How do you adjust a protein skimmer?

    I built a skimmer using the plans from [link deleted]. Can anyone tell me how to adjust the water and air flow so that it works properly?
  3. drkphx

    Low pH!

    I'm using a test kit for my pH. The crab and snails are still alive.What are good readings for alk and calcium? I going to pick up some test kits tomorrow morning and test them.
  4. drkphx

    Low pH!

    I've measured it in the morning, midway through the light cycle, and right before the lights go off in the evening. It stays right about 7.7 the entire day.
  5. drkphx

    Low pH!

    The only things that have been done is a water change last sunday and I added three turbo snails and an emerald crab monday.
  6. drkphx

    Low pH!

    Can someone please list anything that would have an effect on pH? My pH went from about 8.2 to 7.7 in a matter of a few days. salinty: 1.024 temp: 78 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate:0
  7. drkphx

    How do I?

    I want to get a mandarin. I've slowly been building up the amount of live rock in my tank and I going to add a sump/fuge this weekend. Once the tank is ready for him how do I quarantine him? Can I just put him in a quarantine tank? If I do How do I feed him and keep him alive until he's ready...
  8. drkphx

    Surgery Sucks!

    Yea under my eyes were black and the top of my nose. The doctor thinned and straightened the cartalige(sp?) running between my nostrils and then he thinned out something on the sides of my nostrils. Hurts like hell but at least I going to be able to breath through my nose again.
  9. drkphx

    Surgery Sucks!

    I had surgery on my nose today and boy does it suck. It feels like someone hit me in the nose with a sledge hammer. What kinds of surgery has everyone else had?
  10. drkphx

    Direction of gasket?

    The gasket that came with the bulkhead I bought has a ridge that runs around the center of one side and the other side is flat. Which side goes against the glass?
  11. drkphx

    Adjustable output nozzles?

    Is there anything that I could connect to pvc pipe and use as an adjustable nozzle? I want to be able to control the direction of the output from a closed loop system.
  12. drkphx

    Which pump for closed loop?

    Can anyone recommend a pump to use in a closed loop? I want it to pump about 1000GPH.
  13. drkphx


    What do I use for a bulkhead?
  14. drkphx

    Better penguin bashing game!!!

  15. drkphx

    Do Inverts need...

    Do inverts need to be quarantined? Can they carry the same diseases that are harmful to fish?
  16. drkphx

    Is it possibe?

    Is it possible to drill the side of a glass tank while it is setup?
  17. drkphx

    Power Head ?

    A powerhead is a small sealed motor that cirulates the water in the tank. If the tank has only been running for a day the chemicals haven't had a chance to build up in the system yet. Give it some time. I wouldn't add any fish until the cycle is over. Certain fish might survive but it will still...
  18. drkphx

    What is everyone's career?

    What does everyone do and would you rather be doing a different job. I'm unemployed at the moment. I decided to go back to college. I'm still not sure what I want to do when I finish.
  19. drkphx

    Marine Goop?

    Is marine goop safe to use in my fuge?
  20. drkphx

    Can someone please ID

    Can someone please ID the critter in the picture. It came in on a piece of LR and has started to multiply.