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  1. drkphx

    Cooked or uncooked shrimp?

    I have only been able to find it precooked at the store.
  2. drkphx

    Cooked or uncooked shrimp?

    Is it better to cycle with cooked or uncooked shrimp? Does it matter which I use?
  3. drkphx

    Specific Gravity of RO/DI water?

    It was at room temp which is about 72F.
  4. drkphx

    Specific Gravity of RO/DI water?

    Is the SG of RO/DI water 1.000. I'm asking because I have an Aquarium Systems SeaTest Specific Gravity meter and it reads RO/DI water below 1.000.
  5. drkphx

    Overflow & return pump for 75?

    I'm from Port Huron.
  6. drkphx

    Overflow & return pump for 75?

    I a going to set up a 75 gal. with a 35 gal sump. Its going to be fish only with LR, LS, and a clean up crew. Can anyone recommend a good overflow and return pump? Also is it better to have the sump and the refugium in the same tank or would it be better if they were in seperate tanks?
  7. drkphx

    Where to buy Hagen powerheads online?

    Does anyone know where I can buy Hagen powerheads online? I checked but they don't carry them.
  8. drkphx

    Powerheads for 75 gal.

    How many powerheads would I need for a 75 gal with LR & LS. I want to eventually include the following in the tank. 2 Purple Firefish 5 Green Chromis 2 False Percula Clowns 1 Coral Beauty 2 Cleaner Shrimp 2 Peppermint shrimp
  9. drkphx

    Filtration for 75 FO?

    Can you recommend someplace online to get the lights you recommended?
  10. drkphx

    Filtration for 75 FO?

    How many snails would you suggest adding? Also, how much lighting would I need?
  11. drkphx

    Filtration for 75 FO?

    If I went with 2 Purple Firefish 5 Green Chromi 2 false percula clowns 1 Coral Beauty What other fish would you suggest? Which are the aggressive ones?
  12. drkphx

    Filtration for 75 FO?

    Below is some of the fish I was considering. I'm not sure exactly which I am going to choose. Any other fish that you would suggest? What combo of the fish below would you use? I would like to add a clean up crew too. Lemon Goby Royal Gramma Six-line Wrasse Purple Firefish Coral Beauty Flame...
  13. drkphx

    Filtration for 75 FO?

    I want to have a 75 gal FO with a 30 gal sump? If I have a 2"-3" sand bed in the 75 and a 5"-6" sand bed in the sump what other filtration would I need? How much LR should I use?
  14. drkphx

    DSB in sump?

    I have a 75 gal. with a 30 gal. sump. I don't want to have more than a 3" sand bed in the 75. Would there be any benefit of having a 6" DSB in the sump?
  15. drkphx

    LFS in Michigan?

    Can anyone recommend an lfs in Michigan. I live in Port Huron, and there isn't anyplace that sells livestock in town. And the few places that sell dry goods don't carry much of a variety. Thanks