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  1. trigger digger

    Pic's of my new 1 gallon Nano

    Originally posted by toddpolish are those some zoos in the front that aren't opened up? what color are they? The Zoo's closed up from the blue leg crab and are a fine yellow/brown. There is a seperate rock that the shrooms are on, so they won't go anywhere.
  2. trigger digger

    Pic's of my new 1 gallon Nano

    Originally posted by fishy411 just a question and i don't mean to be mean but why did u put the anemone in that tank? They are pretty hard to move i've heard but yeah nice tank. I think the shrooms look awesome. I actually got the whole set-up VERY cheap (Anemone included), and being attached...
  3. trigger digger

    Pic's of my new 1 gallon Nano

    Alright, before everyone gets too upset, let me explain. The clown is tiny and he won't be in there very long, and the Anemone won't stay there long either. The lighting is a 7000k PC bulb so it is more than enough for him. I keep up on water changes every other day, and clowns are not noted for...
  4. trigger digger

    Pic's of my new 1 gallon Nano

    side view
  5. trigger digger

    Pic's of my new 1 gallon Nano

    Actually, it's more like a .75 gallon.
  6. trigger digger

    SW Florida

    The new store is also called Aquarium Reef Center, the light up sign outside just says Aquarium. They sell 125 gallon tanks as cheap as petsmart, predrilled with an overflow no less. I also know they drive to Miami & hand pick ALL fish & Coral each week to get the best ones.
  7. trigger digger

    SW Florida

    I am familar with all the stores mentioned so far, and yes Sea Scapes is really pricey, and Ocean env. isn't bad, but try Aquarium Reef Center in Cape Coral. There are 2 stores that are way more reasonable on prices. 239-540-9130
  8. trigger digger

    Will Cigarette Smoke effect a tank?

    I've talked to a few well schooled fish store owners that coundn't give me an answer for sure, other than "probably". It has to have an effect of the water somehow. He smokes ALL day about 12 feet from the tank with no cover on it. I really wish I knew what it does to the water.
  9. trigger digger

    Will Cigarette Smoke effect a tank?

    I know someone that is the worst chain smoker ever, and he has no glass cover on his 75 Gallon tank. I can't go over there 5 minutes without smelling like I smoked 2 packs myself. What Ill effects does smoke have on a tank, if any are known?
  10. trigger digger

    Coralline algae

    My understanding is Coraline grows much better in medium lighting levels.
  11. trigger digger

    start of Cyno?

    It looks like more coraline
  12. trigger digger

    Stand and Canopy Question

    $400 for a custom stand & Hood is cheap. Take a look at the poor quality, cookie cutter pine/plywood set-ups at every aquarium store out there. I can't MAKE a decent quality combo for under $200 myself. Just make sure they are a seasoned cabinet maker, and can produce good looking doors as well.
  13. trigger digger

    What size plexi should I use?

    Material = Acrylic Tank Height = 30" Tank Width = 28" Tank Length = 58 " Acrylic Thickness = 1/2" Approximate Gallons = 211 You won't get this stuff at Lowe's, so try this link:
  14. trigger digger

    temper glass?

    I'm sure you'll find that some are tempered as a quality feature. Tempered glass is 3 times as strong as regular glass and cost 2-3 times as much. You probably won't find it on budget tanks, and it is usually only used on the bottom.
  15. trigger digger

    DIY Calcium Reactor

    try living in Ohio...on a quiet night I can hear everything rust. I'm from Michigan, I remember:yes: And I will post pic's when I get there, you do the same.
  16. trigger digger

    DIY Calcium Reactor

    Oh no, I wouldn't dare use salt water for the waterfall. It will be used next to tank (incorporated into the cabinet) with fresh water. I wouldn't want my entire house to rust.
  17. trigger digger

    DIY Calcium Reactor

    All I can say is great job! I'll bet you can make one heck of a skimmer to boot. Did you build your own aquarium, sump, overflow, etc? I love to design & fabricate eveything I can as well, anything from from cabinets to waterfalls. As a matter of fact, the current aquarium cabinet I'm working...
  18. trigger digger

    DIY Calcium Reactor

    My question is, How did you fabricate the top & base? Did you cut the acrylic to it's current shape & size, and did you buy the acrylic tubes and cut them to size as well? If so, GREAT work! The fabrication process intrigues me more than the way it actually works. :D
  19. trigger digger

    Is this OK to use as base rock?

    Actually, this stuff comes from my yard. We use it to landscape. It's all over the place down here, I'm sure this place was under water at one time. Almost is now.
  20. trigger digger

    Is this OK to use as base rock?

    since it's coral, I imagine it would be as good as anything to use?