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  1. bradphish

    how to train stars and stripes puffer

    I have a porcipine puffer who loves feeder fish, of all sizes. May I suggest withold feeding for a couple days then introduce some smaller feeder fish later in the evenings. Puffers are nocturnial making them night (or later in the evening ) feeder. however my poucipine puffer eats anytime and...
  2. bradphish


    Mushrooms can be very easy to maintain just make sure they have probber lighting
  3. bradphish

    55 gallong saltwater tank question

    Hello everyone hope everyone is well. Well let¡¦s see here; first off I have a 55 gallon saltwater tank. Runny two whisper filters w/ammo carb and some fancy pre-made carbon bags. Anyways two power heads and an underground filter. 25 lbs of lr lots of substrate 6 inches. 2 bubble stones. It...