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  1. bradphish

    dwarf lion

    I just traded my pork puffer for him, I know nothing about the lion can anyone give me any info??
  2. bradphish

    several questions

    hope you guys like my pics
  3. bradphish

    several questions

    I would like some honest feedback on what everyone thinks or any suggestions on my tank??
  4. bradphish

    several questions

    How can I add more than one pic at a time? Anyways I just got throught redoing my tank tonight, comapre it to the last pic..i think it looks pretty good what do you think???I got rid of most of my algae scrubbing it with a toothbrush,I hope id did not harm the live rock, does anyone know much...
  5. bradphish

    Anyone here from Missouri?

    Im in carbondale ill about 1.5 hours from st louis, i dont have much to offer but would be interested in some frags. brad
  6. bradphish

    several questions

    Well I game my baby (puffer) back to the lfs today it about killed me, i took home a dwarf lion fish, can anyone tell me anything about him, puffer ate my new little baby clown and my 3 stripe last night so i had to get rid of my 9 month old pet, I also brought home an anonemoe, anyways now i...
  7. bradphish

    several questions

    Puffer has already grown very big, and yes is a messy eater, do you really thing he will grow much bigger or will the tank limit his size? If i wanted to take out the ug filter could i just put the lr in a bucket on one side and do one side at a time. If puffer has not ate the angel or the...
  8. bradphish

    several questions

    I have a 55 gallon 10 months 1 Porcupine puffer 5-6 inches 2 clown fish 1 yellow damsel 1 lemmon peel angel 45 lbs live rock 2 whisher filters 2 power heads ug filter 50/50 atinic blue I just got a new fluval 304 filter and added my 3 stripe damsle from my 10 gallon ( i felt bad he was all by...
  9. bradphish

    125 gallon tank please help??

    Yea it come with a filter that i see is worth about 100 bucks but besides that i thought it was kinda high too.
  10. bradphish

    125 gallon tank please help?? I currently have a 55 gallon sw with a puffer fish, he is out growing the current tank so i am looking for a bigger one? I recently found this one on ----, and its close enough for me to pick up, the min price is 525.00 i dont think its...
  11. bradphish

    anonme eaten by puffer??

    Thanks waste of 10 bucks i can;t win with that damn puffer. hes my best fish but hes a stinker
  12. bradphish

    anonme eaten by puffer??

    Can anyone tell me if an anonme when small would be eaten my my porcupine puffer....
  13. bradphish

    lemmon peel angel eating brain maze coral???help

    was hoping someone could help me out with this..should i get rid of the lemmon peel or will it not hurt it.
  14. bradphish

    porcupine puffer is getting big..what to feed him

    I have had procupine puffer (frank) for about 6 months..hes the greatest fish ever....almost has more personality than a dog..anyways i feed all my fish frozed food about 3 times a week and flake food twice daily ..franks fav food is krill...i have recently cut back feeding him so much i dont...
  15. bradphish

    lemmon peel angel eating brain maze coral???help

    ps can anyone tell me how to keep my tank info saved everytime i type a post?
  16. bradphish

    lemmon peel angel eating brain maze coral???help

    so if i leave these two together will there be a problem angel and coral? so what kind of cleanup crew can i get with a procupine puffer in there...(cant get rid of him he's my fav) is my lemmon peel gonna destroy my angel. oh yea does anyone know much about blue starfish. i got him...
  17. bradphish

    lemmon peel angel eating brain maze coral???help

    I just got a brain maze coral and it looks like my lemmon peel angel is picking at it...does this seem to be the case....also i just got two new snails and mr puffer attacks them are they not compatiable Location: carbondale il Posts: 8 blue linckia w/ porcupine puffer? Hi i have a 55 gal tank...
  18. bradphish

    blue linckia w/ porcupine puffer?

    Hi i have a 55 gal tank 2 whisper filter 2 power heads underground filter 100 lbs of lr 1 mushroom 1 anonmee 1 porcupine puffer ! 1 yellow dam 1 manderine golby 1 lemmon peel tang 1 clown 1 brain coral aq set up for six months..perfect levels, constant levels I just added a blue...
  19. bradphish

    Help with puffer

    I have a porcupine puffer (frank sinatra) :) he sometimes lays on a rock or just hangs out on the bottom of the tank. If when you approach him or come to the glass he stirs, I wouldnt think much about it. What a great fish !!!!!!!!!
  20. bradphish

    55 gallong saltwater tank question

    Thanks for all the advice i have done a couple of 25 percent water changes and the tank has once again become crystal clear. I am now wanting to swith to sand and take out my underground filter. Is this risky...what kind of sand do you recoment and how much. What method should I use to go...