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  1. bradphish

    Whats going on with my anenome

    Does anyone know this exact species? About twice a week I reach in and give him a Krill shrimp is this enough? Should I feed him more often..if i dont feed him will he get food on his own?
  2. bradphish

    Whats going on with my anenome

    Well a couple of hours later and it looks almost normal!!
  3. bradphish

    Whats going on with my anenome

    Thanks I'll definately keep an eye on it. brad
  4. bradphish

    Whats going on with my anenome

    So they can't live on cc??? Do i need to put some live sand in there or will he live on cc? How can I upgrade my lights, whats the most watts a balace can hold?
  5. bradphish

    Whats going on with my anenome

    The death of the lion fish was about 8 days ago
  6. bradphish

    Whats going on with my anenome

    I think the death was due to either an unhealthy lion fish or he just did not take, hed didnt eat for like 3-4 days then died, everyone else is doing just fine, and all the levels are ok. What would the anoneme be senesitive too? What other kind of bults can i put in my hoods??Is there anyway...
  7. bradphish

    Whats going on with my anenome

    50/50 (not sure what watt) coralife does anyone know??? and Actinic Blue Lighting 48 inch 40 watt Is this ok my lfs seems to think so? Brad anyone have any ideas for my aquascaping, i used to have a buch of baserock but i took it all out, now its all lr, kinda sparce but plenty of room for fish...
  8. bradphish

    Whats going on with my anenome

    Here is a healty picture of him, he only stayed on the front glass about 6 hours, I thought it was pretty cool. ps dwarf lion is now dead :(
  9. bradphish

    Whats going on with my anenome

    I have had him for about 4-5 weeks and he has always looked healthy, today he moved from the font glass, to an area by the live rock, and now he is all shrivvled up and has been for abut 2 hours. Is this any means for concern? Brad
  10. bradphish

    feeding a dwarf lion fish?

    How long will Ghost shrimp stay alive in the saltwater aq?
  11. bradphish

    several questions

    Whats the problem with the lighing? how can i improve it ???48 inch...would i have to buy new hoods..or do they make better bulbs??
  12. bradphish

    Fish compatibility (dwarf lion)

    As of right now all the lionfish does is sets at the bottom? Does anyone think he will harm my other fish?
  13. bradphish

    feeding a dwarf lion fish?

    Do you think there will be a compatibility problem?
  14. bradphish

    Fish compatibility (dwarf lion)

    As you can see below will i have any touble keeping these fish together. 1 Is the lion fish going to hurt any of the other fish, they seem to be getting along fine now but Im worried about any trouble I may have in the future. 2. I have read that keeping the Lemmon Peel angel with an anenome...
  15. bradphish

    Aquascaping pic:)

    Looks great, what kind of lr is that?
  16. bradphish

    several questions

    My lighting is an Actinic Bleu which is 40 watt and 48 inchis, and a 50/50 which is 48 inches.
  17. bradphish

    feeding a dwarf lion fish?

    Isnt feeding saltwater fish feeder fish bad for them? Thats what I've read something about the amnio acids...So do I just drop the krill in the tank, or should I hand feed him. He is just sitting at the bottom of the tank not doing much, so Im not quite sure how to feed him?
  18. bradphish

    feeding a dwarf lion fish?

    I just got a new dwarf lion fish and was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to feed him. I have flake food, krill or shrip pellets. Im not sure he is getting any food? Do I need to do anything special or will he just eat when hes hungry? How can i save my tank stats so they appear on...
  19. bradphish

    dwarf lion

    I dont want anyone freaking out on me but this is a 55 gal 2 clowns 1 yellow dam 1 dwarf lion 1 lem peel angel 1 anenome i want to ad a regal tang i have a fluval canister and 2 whisper filters 2 power heads adn 75 lbs of lr ...just took out the undergravel filter today thankds to the swf board...
  20. bradphish

    dwarf lion

    Will he be ok with 2 clowns, a lemmon peel angel, a yellow damsel and an anonme? Heres a pic of the tank should have pleny of hiding spots lots of lr, im getting a regal tang soon then im gonna add a clean up crew, he wont get as big as my puffer, thats why i had to get rid of my pp puffer