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  1. brendac

    Live Sand Is Expensive

    Geez I have checked all over the net plus ---- for LS... My goodness its like $1.00 lbs They say you need 1 to 2 lbs for every gallon of water... I would need at least 125 lbs and that comes to like $125.00 for my 125g That stuff is so expensive. I have CC in there now and was gonna change to LS
  2. brendac

    Testing Water

    sorry Im missed where it said against the white area
  3. brendac

    Testing Water

    Aquarium Pharmaceutical
  4. brendac

    Testing Water

    I have a question about testing my aquarium water. When I compare the color in the test tub to the color on the card... do I hold it right against the white on the test card or just a little away? cause when I hold it against it... it is darker then when I hold it away of coarse.
  5. brendac


    Thank You for saying that
  6. brendac


    Please tell me... Am I in trouble now?? I got 75 pounds of LR coming on saterday and there is 50 pounds in the aquarium now. This is a new set up. I have just reading a book and this is what it said... that a fish only aquarium should not have LR that they will eat the inhabitants of the rock...
  7. brendac

    I Need Some Help Please

    Nope no EXP date on it. My son bought a package of raw uncooked shrimp... How many should I put in a 125g?
  8. brendac

    Green Alage

    wll a ph reading of 7.4 cause green alage on base rock?? Today I got PH 7.4 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 phosphate 0 KH 161.1 calcium 460 temp 80.4 saltinity 1.023 This is a new tank set up for about 3 weeks and has not cycled yet. Wanna throw a few raw shrimp in as soon as the rest of my LR...
  9. brendac

    I Need Some Help Please

    Ok Im having a big problem with my aquarium. First off it is not cycling at all. Has been up for about almost 3 weeks now. It trys to cycle I think cause my Nitrites will start to rise then comes back to 0... funny cause nothing else takes a rise. We have about 72 lbs of LR in there right now...
  10. brendac

    I dont Remember

    :notsure: I know this question has been answered before... but I cant find it... So what do You have to do before putting fully cured LR that has been shipped in the Aquarium? My son just got 50 lbs of fully cured off the Net. I think You have to rinse it in a solution of salt water... then you...
  11. brendac

    Pics of my new 37 gallon

    I love all the rock work... It looks so nice!!!
  12. brendac

    My KH Test

    Thank You so much
  13. brendac

    My KH Test

    A day ago I did a KH test... thats the same as a Alkinity test right?? anyway I got a figure of 161.1 Is that Ok. Darn I understand all the test every single one but when it comes to Alkinity I dont get it. :help:
  14. brendac

    Check This Guy Out

    I just sent you the page. Should be in your email
  15. brendac

    Check This Guy Out

    I want to let you guys know about a guy on ---- that sells LR... It is fully cured and only $2.15lb This rock is really beautiful. You get all shapes and sizes. I just got 50 pounds from him and ordered another 75 lbs. Its WaltSmith Premium Fiji Live Rock** Fully Cured**$2.15/lb My 50 pounds I...
  16. brendac

    Salt Reading

    What would be a good salt level for a FOWLR? Mine is 1.021. Is that a little too low?
  17. brendac

    Can We Cover The CC Up With LS

    My family and I are very serious about putting LS in my 125g Aquarium... Goodness we have this thing all set up full of water and LR No fish as of yet in it... The sad part is we have CC in the bottom instead of LS. The reason we want to change it is cause everyone seems to go with LS and stay...
  18. brendac

    Is This Figure OK

  19. brendac

    Is This Figure OK

    I just did a KH Test... My count came out to a figure of 161.1 Is that Ok? I do not have any fish in there as of yet. I have a FOWLR and its just starting a cycle only been up for about 1 1/2 weeks
  20. brendac

    Questioin On Clean Up Crew

    forgot to ask... can I put a clean up crew in a cycling tank?