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  1. brendac

    Bad Situation Please Help

    I have live rock in there(well he does) and for the bottom is coral stone. All I have is the Internet for Information so far. A Live Shrimp arent they big? No thats Lobster. If I ever get through this Im gonna be lucky
  2. brendac

    Bad Situation Please Help

    I really need some help on how to maintain my aquarium... Im sorry it seems like I do post alot lately but Im new to this saltwater thing and need some help. We started out with a 30g FOWLR and after about 1 month my husband wanted a 125g FOWLR... So with his bright idea went and bought one 1...
  3. brendac

    Dkh Reading

    Is a DKH reading of 13ppm bad? Eacd drop is equal to 1 dkh or 17.9 ppm KH Thats 232.7
  4. brendac

    Test Kits

    Can someone please list the important test kits for a FOWLR. There are so many kits!
  5. brendac

    Help On KH Test Kit

    My KH Test Kit just arrived... Idid a test and this is what I got...232.7ppm I filled this tank with RO water... It is still cycling yet. I would like to know is that a bad reading? It took 13 drops to change the color from blue to a bright yellow... each drop is equal to 1 dkh or 17.9 ppm KH...
  6. brendac

    Digital Saltinity and PH

    Do you think the digital saltinity meters are any good and also the PH digital meters?? I want to buy the saltinity and PH one if they are reliable.
  7. brendac

    Powerhead Adjustment Help

    I was wondering how I should adjust my powerheads... Should there be air bubbles coming to the top of the water so the water is not so still. I have one on each end and its a 125g tank... Should they be aimming towards each other? And should the little arm that moves all the way forward or can...
  8. brendac


    While my aquarium is cycling should I not add any chemicals to adjust the readings??
  9. brendac

    Protein Skimmer

    What is a good Brand for a Protein Skimmer?
  10. brendac


    Will my salt level go up once the aqarium heats up??
  11. brendac


    I have a KH test kit coming... Will that tell the Alkilinity?
  12. brendac


    What is a dkh reading?
  13. brendac

    Temp And Salt

    What is the ideal salt reading? and what is a good temp for FOWLR. I filled my 125g yesterday and followed the directions on the bag for adding salt(1/2 cup a gallon) I do not have a heater in there yet... getting one this week.... But right now my salt reading is low only 1.020 will the salt...
  14. brendac

    Low PH

    I have a calcium kit coming and a KH kit... Is that Ok?
  15. brendac

    Setting Up Aquarium

    Do I have to add all the live rock when setting up my aquarium... Or can I add on and off as I want to as long as it is cured?
  16. brendac

    Cured Rock And Things

    I was wondering cause tomorrow I guess we are gonna start filling the bigger aquarium up... Is it better to add all the stuff in like live rock... artificial plants and decorations that you want when you set it up and let it cycle and not add anything again. Or can I keep adding cured live rock...
  17. brendac

    Low PH

    What makes the PH wanna be low? I just put Proper PH 8.2 in the 30g like 3 days ago and now it reads at 7.8 My PH always needs PH plus?? Is that hard water? I filled my 30g from my tap and put a conditioner in, My 125g is getting RO water
  18. brendac

    Cycling Help

    Yes its saltwater. Im cycling it with live rock. But I want to add live rock along the way... Can I keep buying live rock now and then and just add it in long after it has cycled? Or must everything be added at once befor it starts to cycle?
  19. brendac

    Live Rock

    Its a FOWLR tank
  20. brendac

    Live Rock

    How many lbs of live rock should I have for 125g