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  1. brendac

    125g With Brown Spots

    Could someone please tell me how many clean up fish I need for my 125g Im gonna have to order them cause my small lfs dont have anything. what are the different names... I know some of them but not all
  2. brendac

    Something Strange Going On

    Thanks everyone
  3. brendac

    Something Strange Going On

    Something is going on with my reef rock... Some of my live rock and artifical corals. They have like brown spots forming on them as you can see from the pics. What is this from?? My live rock is cured. I have no fish in as of yet. Could someone please tell me what this is?? I did my test...
  4. brendac


    Do You rinse LR in a salt water solution before adding to the aquarium? and how stong of a solution do you use?
  5. brendac

    Clean Up Crew

    So how many clean up crew should I have in a 125g FOWLR? I never knew until tonight that you have to feed LR Calcium... Im learning What do you do keep your calcium at a certain level?
  6. brendac

    Pic Of My 125g

    Im thinking about either the lemonpeel dwarf or the flame... full size Imperator angel... raccoon butterfly and a maroon clownfish. I got the book Conscientious marine aquarium coming. Will onw maroon clownfish be Ok alone or should I try to get a pair?
  7. brendac

    Pic Of My 125g

    Yes correct... So I have to decide what butterfly I want and what Angel. Can I have a dwarf angel and a full size angel? I ordered a book on saltwater aquariums and that should help me out too.
  8. brendac

    Pic Of My 125g

    Well we would like the copperhead buterfly... raccoon butterfly... 2 maroon clownfish and a flame angel. What cleaning fish could I have with threse fish? and could I have a lemonpeel angel with the flame angel? both are dwarfs
  9. brendac

    Pic Of My 125g

    We ordered more LR and it will be here saterday. We want it pretty much full with LR... But its so expensive that we are adding it on and off... Then the fake coral is coming out. Want a FOWLR
  10. brendac

    Pic Of My 125g

    Here is a pic of my 125g. I took the pic last night. My other powerhead came today so I now have 2 on it... One on each end. As you can see the powerhead is way up at the top... Is that ok... Or should I lower them down to the middle? I have a whirl of bubbles going through the whole aquarium...
  11. brendac

    Live Sand Question

    I have been reading so many posts that tells people to stay away from crushed coral, to go with live sand that Im starting to feel so bad My 125g has CC on the bottom, but I take it that sand is better. We thought about doing the sand but my pet store said it would make a mess. Could someone...
  12. brendac

    Maroon Clownfish

    Can 2 maroon clownfish be kept with Butterflys and Angels... The Raccoon Butterfly and the Copperband Butterfly and the Flame Angel?
  13. brendac

    Raw Shrimp- Respond Fast PLZ

  14. brendac

    Dwarf Angel Question

    Ok Thanks... are bitterflys like that too?
  15. brendac

    Dwarf Angel Question

    When my aquarium is done cycling and ready to add a fish... Can I start out with one dwarf angel... I have enough live rock in. Im only gonna do one fish at a time... with at least 3 to 4 weeks waiting period to add another.
  16. brendac

    Raw Shrimp- Respond Fast PLZ

    My Son is about to go to price chopper to get a dead raw shrimp to cycle my tank with. How many raw dead shrimp should he get for 125g
  17. brendac

    Water Changes

    Whem my tank starts to cycle... I dont do any water changes until its over right? Would you say 15 gallons a month for a water change would be OK for a 125g?
  18. brendac

    Air Bubbles

    I have air bubbles forming under the water from my powerhead. Does the air bubbles create Oxygen.. I thibnk So
  19. brendac

    Saltwater Aquariums For Dummies

    Is the book saltwater aquariums for dummies a good book to learn with? Easy to understand??
  20. brendac

    Bad Situation Please Help

    Fish only with live rock... Im too new to think about reef or anything like that