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  1. brendac

    Cycling Help

    Im filling my 125g up with RO water in a few days. I would like to know after I fill it up and start my filter Is there anything that I need to add to the water... Like a Conditioner or anything before allowing it to run its cycle?? Also should I add the powerhead and heater while this tank is...
  2. brendac

    Cleaning Question

    I know you have to clean inside the tank... such as vaccum the sand and so on... But do I also clean off my live rock. In another words would I keep everything in there but just use a vaccum to clean everything inside the best I can.
  3. brendac

    Brands Of Salt

    Can I use 2 different brands of salt? I still have some left from my bag, but I will need more and my pet sore is using another brand now. The brand I have left is called CoralLife Salt... and the one she has now is called something like Natural Ocean Salt
  4. brendac

    Temp Range

    What is the ideal temp range for saltwater fish... Is it 82?
  5. brendac

    Water Change

    Would 10g a week for a 125g be enough water to take out for a water change?
  6. brendac

    Test Kits

    I have got a PH test kit... Ammonia Kit... Nitrite kit... Nitrate kit and a Phosphate kit and just ordered a Calcium kit... any other kits I should have to test my aquarium water? I just wanna do things right for my fish when I get them.
  7. brendac


    Should I have 2 powerheads one on each side??
  8. brendac


    Should I use 2 powerheads in my 125g? My filter is a canister 1500 and it will filter up to 200 gallons. Might the filter be enough water movement if its very strong coming back in?
  9. brendac

    Im So Upset Now

    I feel better now cause I just called another aquarium place in the City... They said RO water is the best and that she is not telling you the truth about things. Im staying away from her... She just wants the money
  10. brendac

    Im So Upset Now

    My phosphate test kit just came... I tested my tap water and it is at 0.25 Im so darn upset... I just called my local pet store and we got talking about the RO water... She told me not to use it that RO water will be very low on PH and that the calcium is too low for satwater fish... and that...
  11. brendac

    Inline Heater

    Does anyone use a inline heater that dont go in the aquarium? Do You like it?
  12. brendac

    Cure Meaning

    What does Cure mean?
  13. brendac

    Washing Sand

    Do I need to wash the sand before I put it in my aquarium?? It is marine sand
  14. brendac

    Washing Sand

    Do I need to wash the sand before I put it in my aquarium??
  15. brendac

    Changing Tanks

    I got another question. Right now I have a 30g running that has went through its cycle about 3 weeks ago. It was filled with tap water and a conditioner was added to the aquarium. I now have a 125g that I want to set up in about 2 weeks. Im going to be using RO water from wal-marts. I want to...
  16. brendac

    Heater Size

    What size watt for a heater will I need for a 125g
  17. brendac

    Marine Sand

    My pet store has marine sand should I go with that or use coral for the bottom? Her sand is not live and its the only pet store around here.
  18. brendac

    Help On Cleaning

    while my tank is cycling do I not clean anything such as fliters... Do I just leave it alone until it cycles?
  19. brendac

    RO Water

    Thank You so much. I Have seen it at wal-marts
  20. brendac

    RO Water

    So what can I do if I cant use RO water?? Put a conditioner in the water?? What Brand and what do I look for?