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  1. brendac

    Water Change

    My son just picked up my 125g tonight... Its Beautiful and Im very happy with it. I would like to know once it starts its cycle I dont do any water changes until its done... Right?? Then after its done I just do one water change per week... Right?? and how many gallons would I remove out of a...
  2. brendac

    Test Kits

    I have up my 30g Tank, Its got LR only in it. I have a test kit that test... PH... Ammonia... Nitrite... Nitrate and I have a Phosofate test kit coming too. What other things should I be testing for? Thanks. Im bound to get things right once and for all, and by sticking around this forum is...
  3. brendac


    Please dont think Im stupid... But what is Alkinity? Is that the hardness of the water? Im sorry but Im trying to learn more and more. I have learned alot on here... But Im still learning.
  4. brendac

    PUR Water Filtration System

    $33.00 It hooks to the facuet... Is this it??
  5. brendac

    PUR Water Filtration System

    forgot to tell you... I bought this at wal-mart in the water section.
  6. brendac

    PUR Water Filtration System

    Ok I went and bought a water system. I tried to take a pic of it but had no luck with my camera. It fits on your facuet. The box it came in was blue and said PUR Water Filtration system. It comes stage 1... stage 2 and stage 3. This is what the box reads as follows. I have all 3 stages hooked to...
  7. brendac

    All My Fish Die

    I can stop the air on the powerhead that I had cause its too strong for a 30g... Would it still help with oxygen if I were to do that??
  8. brendac

    All My Fish Die

    I forgot to mention one thing... I have a star fish and one shrimp in there and have for a while now and they are doing fine... But the star fish stays at the very top of the water line just about... enough where he is in the water but at the top. Could be Oxygen huh???
  9. brendac

    All My Fish Die

    No they never really seemed to eat that well. I was giving them frozen food. I kinda think too that I need a powerhead.
  10. brendac

    All My Fish Die

    All I have is the over the wall filter. I believe I need a protein skimmer and maybe a powerhead. What is some good protein skimmers and powerheads?? I will even as much as try that. There is so many powerheads and protein skimmers out there... I dont know whats best. I believe myself its the oxygen
  11. brendac

    All My Fish Die

    I do not have a protein skimmer... I will need it for my 125g I think. I do let them float in the bag for about 15 minutes before adding then in. I have got all my fish from the same place. I wonder if a protein skimmer and a power head would help?? Water changes have been done
  12. brendac

    All My Fish Die

    I really need some help... I seem to loss all my fish that I put in my 30g aquarium... all at different times. I have a 125g coming tomorrow but I dont have any luck keeping anything alive in my 30. My tank has went through its cycle and has been up and running for about 6 weeks now. Could it...
  13. brendac

    Cooperhead And Raccoon

    It is a 125g My husband likes the Raccoon and my son likes the Cooperband. Should it be Ok... Or No?
  14. brendac

    Cooperhead And Raccoon

    Can I put a Raccoon Butterfly and a Cooperhead Butterfly together?
  15. brendac

    Heater Size

    What size watt heater do I need for a 125 gallon...
  16. brendac

    Heater Size

    What watt size do I need for a 125 gallon aquarium? Is it the 300 watt?
  17. brendac

    Angels And More

    Will a Cooperhead Butterfly and a Raccoon Butterfly and either the Flame Angel or the Coral Beauty or the Lemonpeel Angel get along? Im not sure what Angel Im getting yet, But it will be one of the 3.
  18. brendac

    Getting Along

    So then the rule of thumb would be dont put any small fish in that a semi aggresive fish could get in their mouth... So peaceful and Semi should more or less get along as long as they are not too small?
  19. brendac

    Peaceful And Semi Aggressive

    I want to add the following to my 125 gallon... Will they get along Ok? 1 Flame angel 1 Copperhead Butterfly 1 Raccoon Butterfly... Not sure about adding 3 Butterflys 1 Auriga Butterfly either a Yellow Tang or a purple Tang
  20. brendac

    Peaceful And Semi Aggressive

    I was wondering what to put in my new 125 gallon... Can I mix peaceful fish with semi aggressive? There are peaceful fish and also semi that I love.