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  1. brendac

    125 Gallon Question

    Can I put together in a 125 gallon... 1 yellow tang... I raccoon buterfly... 1 cooperhead butterfly... 1 auriga butterfly and 1 full size angel thats not a dwarf angel?? I have heard its not good to put 2 butterflys together in the same tank... but might get along if added together right from...
  2. brendac

    How Many??

    How many med to large fish can I put in my new 90 gallon aquarium?
  3. brendac

    Reef Dried Out

    My pet store is saying that its not alive... That it is dead reef.
  4. brendac

    Reef Dried Out

    Im at a lost right now. I just found out that I have like 3 big rocks that are called reef in my aquarium... and now Im wondering if that has killed my Raccoon Btterfly because he was not reef safe. So I called my pet store where I bought this reef from and they told me this reef is not real...
  5. brendac

    Protein Skimmer

    Do I need a protein skimmer and a power head on 90 gallon?
  6. brendac


    Can I put a dwart angel and a full size angel together?
  7. brendac

    Filter Help

    I would like to know what is the best filter system for my aquarium... would it be a under gravel filter... Or one of those pumps that sit on the bottom of your stand... Or a over the wall filter? What is the most quiet and best?? Also would I need a protein skimmer in a 90 gallon auarium and a...
  8. brendac

    Peaceful Fish

    I would like to know...why cant I put 2 dwarf angels that are both peaceful and 2 butterflys thats both peaceful along with 2 peaceful tangs in the same aquarium? If they are all peaceful they will not fight... right??
  9. brendac

    I Need Some Help

    Ok we have the Raccoon in a net inside the aquarium... We caught the Yellow Tang hitting him with his tail... So we believe thats what happened to the Raccoon... Not sure if the Raccoon will make it or not... but he is still breathing very good. Now I know that the Raccoon is a peaceful fish and...
  10. brendac

    Help Us Hurry

    my ph is 7.8 too low... I have used the balancing blocks but they dont seem to do the trick. Ammomia 0.25... Niterite is 0 and Niterate is 0 The temp is 80... I think the Tang hit him with the tail... he will at times lay in the bottom still alive and at times move around mostly when the Tang...
  11. brendac

    Help Us Hurry

    Oh my goodness... Whats going on with my Raccoon Butterfly??? He rams into tree's and lays on his side against things and at times he will swim right along and act ok. Could my yellow tang had hit him with the sharp edge on its tail?? If I touch him he will start swimming again. My water test...
  12. brendac

    Tangs and Butterflys

    I was reading in one of the forums that someone has 2 angels together. I wanted to put 2 angels and 2 butterflys in the same aquarium... Can I do this? I have a raccoon butterfly and a yellow hawaiiian Tang.. Want to get the Auria butterfly and a blue tang too... Can I?
  13. brendac

    Fish Changed Color

    Last night before we went to bed I turned off the aquarium light and went on to bed. My son got home from work at 4:00am and turned on the livingroom light and was very suprised to see that my Raccoon and Yellow Tang were lossing their color... So he went over fast and turned on the aquarium...
  14. brendac

    Anemone Question

    Does my 2 Percula Clownfish really need an Anemone? I have a Condy Anemone but my Clownfish pays no attention at all to it.
  15. brendac

    Raccoon and Auriga Butterfly

    Can I put 2 Butterflys together in a 90 gallon tank? Raccoon and a Auriga
  16. brendac

    RO Water

    Please dont think this is stupid... But what is RO Water... Im trying to figure out what that is and where can I get it?
  17. brendac

    Flame Angel

    Those flame angels are BEAUTIFUL and I want one too... But I need a bigger Tank then a 30 gallon first off
  18. brendac

    Phosphates and Silicates Help

    I hate to sound stupid... But what is RO Water? Yes I still use the Tap Water... I was never told from where I got my Aquarium not to
  19. brendac

    2 Butterflys Together

    Hi... I would like to know if I can put a Raccoon Butterfly and a Auriga Butterfly in the same Aquarium that is a 90 gallon?? Goodness I love both of those Fish. I have the Raccoon but want the Auriga too.
  20. brendac

    Phosphates and Silicates Help

    Its a Whisper Filter that hangs over the back. Tap water is why I have Phosphates and Silicates. So would my filter work?