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  1. joy_mikel

    Just wanna get to know everybody!

    just bumpin this thing up : )
  2. joy_mikel

    OT: Calling all "Okies"

    well, i won't be starting till i get a job..which..will be pretty kind of info and help would be kindly appreciated from is my email : )
  3. joy_mikel

    Just wanna get to know everybody!

    lol....i have this odd obsession with pictures..soooo..heres another one of me :D..its of me and my 6 yr old brother, Cameron. Isn't he just the cutest wittle thing?! stinks...and if i had a job and money...hey theres an idea..i'm gonna get a job..then..i can have MY own...
  4. joy_mikel

    Just wanna get to know everybody!

    lol....i'm in Norman at least once a month...*shakes head* lead a boring life in this small town..have to visit the big city once in awhile..haha...anywayz...hope everyone is well..: )
  5. joy_mikel

    Just wanna get to know everybody! that spongebob quote you got there...thats cute :)
  6. joy_mikel

    Just wanna get to know everybody!

    aww man...I'm really had to suck...
  7. joy_mikel

    Just wanna get to know everybody!

    heh..heh..gotta love cold weather...numb fingers and face...enhanced sinus crap. Oh Yeah! Fun Fun! *lol* I'm moving to California or somewhere next chance i get....warm weather here i come! in..a few years random random..thats me..but its all good : )
  8. joy_mikel

    Just wanna get to know everybody!

    well well well....nice to see lotsa people on this thread...The more the merrier! :D
  9. joy_mikel

    Just wanna get to know everybody!

    well..i think its time to shut down this thread and let it go out in peace...
  10. joy_mikel

    Just wanna get to know everybody!

    Hey Cap, was just searching for that thread you mentioned...looks as if it was canceled or something...i could be mistaken though...and thanks Snakes! : )
  11. joy_mikel

    Just wanna get to know everybody!

    Thanks alot! I'll look for it! :D
  12. joy_mikel

    Show us your fish pics

    lol@Rye....interesting way of putting the way Im to make my way around the board and meet people n find out info on fishies(considering thats the purpose of this thing) and stuff...: ) such wonderful long words i just used..*sheesh* (note the sarcasm on wonderful and...
  13. joy_mikel

    Just wanna get to know everybody!

    Hello Mex..: ) Hows the weather in Acapulco? All nice and warm i than here at least...
  14. joy_mikel

    Just wanna get to know everybody!

    Guess since i told everyone to be brave...i'll be brave myself and post a pic of
  15. joy_mikel

    Just wanna get to know everybody!

    Hey! Looks like you're only an hour or so away from too..I'm down here in good ol' Ada..*whoop whoop* really..boring town it is....and yes Gooo Soooners! :D
  16. joy_mikel

    Just wanna get to know everybody!

    I'm new around here, and just thought it'd be fun to get to know everyone. Feel free to post pics and what not. Don't be shy, introduce yourselves! :D