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  1. tonylip

    Icky Tang!

    Hi I bought a purple tang same thing he eat and was great but he had parasites! my reef is 35gl. and I used "CHEM-MARIN" "stop parasites" it works in 5 days! But I had to turn off my skimmer it would just pump fommy water out. I also put in "MELAFIX" a antibacterial remedy for the wounds every...
  2. tonylip

    Kalkwasser ?

    from my understanding you replace the water that is lost due to evaporation with it. I read this thing a recipe for coraline algae and it said "substitute the kalk every 4th time with reef builder" I tried it and my reef turned purple , and feather dusters poped up everywhere !!! PS: I filled...
  3. tonylip

    what color?

    I have two green brains one closed their soft tissue color is pinkish brown ?? is that right? both seem to be doing fine! Anyone?
  4. tonylip

    Cleaning up!?!?

    If your tangs crap as much as mine no creature will help IMO what I do is, with my return line from the sump I spray it down the back of the tank and all the waste makes its way to the overflow I move it from one corner to the center then to the other corner and the bottom stays reletively...
  5. tonylip

    Is it just me or has this board been down?????????

    Love being back I fearied for my reef missed you all!! TonyLip
  6. tonylip

    open green brain ?

    It is surprising it may die the brain looks great it eats and lays out all over bigger than ever, the first and only bubble to compleatly rise off came through it and is gone now I thought there was going to be another but it seems to be dormant or something?
  7. tonylip

    open green brain ?

    I've had this green brain now for about a couple weeks now and I love it! What a trip so much life well it seems to be offgasing a what looks like a bubble in the shape of a inverted tear is rising off of it and looks like another is starting,has anyone ever heard of this ??
  8. tonylip

    Something FUNKY growing - HELP!!!

    Yea I had it too it is the water your using befor I bought a RO system for the tank (I mean house did I say tank) I used KENT phosphate sponge I still use it for maintance and it works!!! Read up on dantums I dont know how you spell it but with that discription that is what you have!
  9. tonylip

    how old are some of you????

    you guys crack me up! LOL! at 38 its a roof or some LPS's
  10. tonylip

    Play Sand.....Please help!!

    I've read in several places "play sand is a big No No!!"
  11. tonylip

    live sand?

    I am going to start a new reef and was thinking about leaving the bottom bare? and the idea of live sand sounds cool are there different ways of useing it? can I just put a thin layer down or is it complicated?
  12. tonylip


    My purple tang had them and I medecated my tank with chem-marin stop parasites it works but I had to turn off my skimmer while I used it it pumped the wettest foam out I had to add water every hour surf it up there is good info on parasites at their home page good lucl