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  1. tonylip

    red eye crab?

  2. tonylip

    red eye crab?

    Wondering what the story is on red eye crabs?
  3. tonylip


    I feel the same way I don't get replys to my Questions eather my spelling must be the problem but if one knows a word is spelled rong one understands what is being said right! works for me! its called insight!!! Anyway CPR has complete sumps with everything you need I think their great try...
  4. tonylip

    bristle worms invade

    I'm confused about bristle worms? Are they good for your subtrate you know keeping it loose and eating the crap I know their in my reef and not harming anything to my knowledge. Small ones.
  5. tonylip


    They move around? I had no idea!!!
  6. tonylip


    I found this little clam under a small shelf on a pice of rock it is about 3mm it is open and everything it has a spinny shell should I turn the rock so it could get light or are clams ok in the shade?
  7. tonylip

    SiO2 ?

    Ok I just installed an RO system in the house for the reef and I measure 2 PPM in the RO and I use it for water changes and right after I do one the reef breaks out with dantoms. It grows on all the bare spots of the rock how can I control them I read it is eather SiO2 or excess nutritious I cut...
  8. tonylip

    SiO2 ?

    It is in water and is bad in reef's !! Silicanoxide? or something like that?
  9. tonylip

    SiO2 ?

    Does anyone have a grip on the si in water and what is the best way to get rid of it?
  10. tonylip

    Sump Q

    Well the overflow runs as fast as your returne pump. So the pump must be rated lower <gph than your overflow!
  11. tonylip

    what color?

    WOW the brain seems to like it on the bottom already it has improved!!! Thank you so much Tony
  12. tonylip

    what color?

    I have had them about 4 weeks I will have to move some rocks to make room for the open brain it is about 6" when open, the closed one looks OK this morming he is closed up and it has its little pokers out and its flesh is redish under the green. I hope he likes it on the bottom ?
  13. tonylip

    29 gal. tank

    I started my first reef with a 29 I equiped it with everything I would need for a 100+ tank and it was kind of high $$ but I am having the time of my life with it!! I havent had any life loss yet. I do recomend a big sump so the volume of water is up. I can see why bigger is better. trying to...
  14. tonylip

    what color?

    I really can't understand both brains seem to eat and what green on them is bright! well I moved the closed one down on the bottom and he is all chubbie now! I feed my tank with seachem products the complete & plus I also ad coral-vital Mark Weiss these I ad very sparingly I fight with datoms I...
  15. tonylip

    what color?

    I'll try it! Thank you!! will write soon with update!
  16. tonylip

    what color?

    The tank is about 4 months and they are just out of any direct currint so you say try setting them on the bottom with some direct water flow on them?
  17. tonylip

    what color?

    the damsel is yellow? also the light is MH 55000K with 2 NO atinics both are on rocks near the serface when I first put in the closed brain it was green and white then right away within hours it turned pink!
  18. tonylip

    what color?

    Well I don't know what they all are but ph is 8.2 and the nitrites are 0 no amonia si is 0 and phosphates are 0 I have a tang a damsil a lawnmower bleny a cleaner shrimp a cople hermet crabs and some snals will this have an effect on them?
  19. tonylip

    what color?

    Well they are green but not compleatly the green is on about 40% of them I've never seen one all green! What I'm wondering is what color should the rest of it be?
  20. tonylip

    Icky Tang!

    O yea My Tang would have nothing to do with the shrimp! and the shrimp is prcipitant bigtime!