Search results

  1. salty444

    Berlin turbo w/pump

    Rock?? You may have me confused with someone else. I have only been on this site for about 2 months and never sold anyone any live rock.
  2. salty444

    Are you anal about water parameters?

    $750 would be borderline OCD
  3. salty444

    Protein skimmer question

    the coralife SS is a HOB skimmer.. can also be used in a sump.. get the 125
  4. salty444

    Live Rock question

    the 55 is nice.. the 75 is a bit nicer and easier to aquascape.. that's just my opinion though.. that custom flow looks like it could have some potential..
  5. salty444

    Live Rock question

    however you position your rocks you want to force the water through the anerobic areas to help filter the water. This will help lower any nitrates as the "live rock" will consume any unwanted nitrate material. I have a 500 gph powerhead pumping water through the rocks while 2 others make the...
  6. salty444

    Live Rock question

    take them out. put the water you have in the tank right now into a 30g. Transfer the fish. make sure you put a skimmer and a powerhead and a heater on that 30 to make sure they are ok. Then strip your 55, add your sand or CC whichever you prefer.. I have a mix. I wish I would have used all...
  7. salty444

    Berlin turbo w/pump

    honestly, it is all about your preference. I think berlins are garbage after having a coralife SS 125 for 3 weeks. BTW, it's gone.
  8. salty444

    Live Rock question

    drewdog, I have a 55 with about 120 pounds of LR. I also have a small purple tang, valentini puffer, large tomato clown, coral beauty, mandarin, algea blenny and a sand shifting goby. I have 2 candy anenomes, about 6 hermits and 8 turbo snails.. You can listen to all this garbage about...
  9. salty444

    Do blennies get along with other Blennies? Anyone have 2 in a tank?

    Originally Posted by salty444 I have a 55 also that has been up for 7 yrs. I have many more fish than you so do not think for 1 minute that your tank is overstocked and is too small for a tang... A large tang maybe but not a small one.. I have a purple in my tank it is just fine. I had a...
  10. salty444

    Do blennies get along with other Blennies? Anyone have 2 in a tank?

    I have a 55 also that has been up for 7 yrs. I have many more fish than you so do not think for 1 minute that your tank is overstocked and is too small for a tang... A large tang maybe but not a small one.. I have a purple in my tank it is just fine. I had a yellow tang for 7 yrs in my 55 and...
  11. salty444

    Corals To Trade Around Ny

    what do you have? where do you live? email me at how much do you want for them? I am in newburgh
  12. salty444

    Question For All Ex ***** Employees And Current Ones Too?

    I wouldn't buy anything from *****... I tried purchasing an electric fence for my golden retriever.. The online price was 259.00 the store price was 299.00 I called and asked if they would sell it to me for the online price and their reply was "*****.com and ***** stores are seperate...
  13. salty444

    Skimmer advice for new aquarists

    Cut right to the chase and get a coralife super skimmer. I have been through 5 or 6 different "skimmers" in 7 years and I have never seen such crud come from my tank. It has been less than 12 hours and I have to dump the collection cup already! I have the 125 on my reef tank. It is truly an...
  14. salty444

    Authentic Britney Spears autograph for corals

    Hi, I have authentic Elvis Presely autographs for metal halide lighting
  15. salty444

    Berlin turbo w/pump

    FS or trade for a coralife super skimmer it is a HOB model.
  16. salty444

    trade:nautilus ex 24"for berlin turbo HO

    check your email Rob!!
  17. salty444

    Maroon Clown....Weird behavior?

    Yes, My tomato clown does this also.. Not sure why. I thought it was my puffer at first looking for more food. I am interested in hearing the answer
  18. salty444

    If anyone that is on now knows anything about valentini puffers please reply!

    I bought a valentini puffer (2") about 2 weeks ago. He immediately ate all of my snails (small). I thought long and hard about what to do with him and decided to try large turbo snails and larger size hermits.. So far so good and it has been over a week and he doesn't bother them anymore...
  19. salty444


    email me, I have 2.
  20. salty444

    Trade Alpine car CD stereo for lights!!!!!!

    Mike, Please call me.. I recieved the pump today.. or email me at