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  1. calypsois

    What kind of algae and critters are these?

    Oh, darn! So it is Aptasia! Actually, I thought it looked kind of cool! Cool it is not, obviously. Thanks so much, Pat
  2. calypsois

    What kind of algae and critters are these?

    Thanks, Collin: Holy! I just got the rock with the tentacled thing and the white stuff. The Pet Shop Boy () thought the white stuff was sponge and we didn't see anything else. So I should just toss the rock, I guess. BTW, is the tentacled-guy related to Aptasia?. The thought occurred to me once...
  3. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Yes, OK, thanks, Beth. Yes, feeding algae sheet every few days. Still haven't seen Blue go to it from the clip - only after I release the remaining little end from the clip. He goes right after it. Maybe he's sneaking bites off the clip when I'm not looking . . .
  4. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    - Looking around here it appears that I need to get the charcoal out of my filter. Apparently it is for short use only? - Fish are eating dry + frozen soaked in zoe for breakfast and dry for dinner - and not too much! - Looks like my "changed" algae, which now looks furry is catching "crud"...
  5. calypsois

    What kind of algae and critters are these?

    - I've had some slime algae and it seems to have changed to a furry look. I'm hoping this is a good thing? - And the white tubular things in the algae - something left from a critter? - Also just purchased a few small live rocks to help with water and what is this purpley-green tentacled...
  6. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    - Got a couple nassarius snails - Got a few small live rock - interesting "stuff" on them - Wanted to get a little sand from a healthy aquarium, but wasn't able yet. I don't think I want a whole bag of live sand, do I? - Yes, some charcoal in filters. A mix to remove phosphate and organics...
  7. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth Can you wean off the mechanical filters? Or, change out or clean the media often? Craps don't do much. Try using some nassarius snails for your sandbed. Allow bristleworms to proliferate, don't vacuum your sandbed. How many inches is your sandbed now? -...
  8. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth Its not about cleaning the back wall. Its how you have your tank set up. Using mechanical filters that cause nitrates to get high. You should consider migrating to more natural filters. Live rock, sandbed critters that will keep your sandbed in good order...
  9. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Not doing HT at this time - still in original tank.
  10. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Thanks, AK. - Got some blue-leg and turban crabs to help clean up - Will be scraping/sucking off the remaining algae from the back wall - Purchased Reef buffer by Seachem to raise pH from its current 7.9 - By the way - I use RO water
  11. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    So glad to hear that. I'm not thinking ich either, any more. See pics. Playing around with different lighting, because white areas were showing up on the fish that I didn't see by eye. (Especially on texture of Blue's face.) These look better, except for reflections on the glass. - So I'll...
  12. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth You should turn all the lights off after 10 hours. Fish need to sleep. Are you using zoecon or selcon? This fish has a bad case of HLLE. Are those dots round or irregular shape? Describe them. OK - all lights will be out after 10 hrs Using Zoecon Spots -...
  13. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Also: 30-gal I've been using to make saltwater for the 2-gal swaps in main tank has 18 gals - heated. If fish need to be in HT, I can add a little sand, a rock and some? water from main tank to this 30-gal. Also have a PVC elbow that should be big enough for Blue. I assume Blue + his tank-mates...
  14. calypsois

    Help! Blue is More Sick!

    Please see page 2 of original post: Blue is sick - tail is bloody - page 2
  15. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    pH: 7.8 . . . rats! NO3: 40 . . . more rats!!! SG: 1.031 Temp: 82 . . . Will get it down to 80 Pls see pics of Blue 2 posts above with white stuff . . . yikes!
  16. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Forgot to say: been doing the 2-gal water changes daily. Missed 1 day and did 8 yesterday.
  17. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth Ok, if your tank will stabilize with a temp of 80 then do that. If the lights are causing a lot of temp fluxuations between on and off periods, then that could be a problem. What is the temp with the lights on? What type of lighting do you have? OMG! Finally...
  18. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Hi Beth: Trying to have a reef tank. Corals haven't done well though. Have 2 in there - maybe 1 is alive? Have a leather and another that I'd like to bring into the aquarium after everything's all straightened out. My other aquarium is a bio cube. The corals love it in there. Been doing...
  19. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Quote: Originally Posted by saxman Glad to hear the fish is doing better! As for temp, we never run our setups above 76*F or 77*F. There is really no good reason to do so, and it gives you a little more "fudge factor" if your ambient room temp spikes or your heater malfunctions (they always...