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  1. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Beth: Thanks so much! Quote: Originally Posted by Beth I'm ok with 79-80 temp. pH should not drop below 8.0. - I'm thinking I should get the buffer that starts with a "k". (I'll check your FAQ's.) Are you using selcon or zeocon? - Zoecon Also, posted this earlier today: - Got more testing...
  2. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Pics of Blue today. He is very active and seems quite fat and happy.
  3. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Oh, forgot to mention: haven't found Mysid yet. Will purchase.
  4. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Thanks, AK and Beth and Saxman: Posted yesterday - dk where post went? - Temp down to 79 from 82, now. Will continue dropping? Do we think bacterial infection is over since Blue's tail has been back to it's usual yellow? Do we still need to drop to 75? - Feeding variety of frozen food along...
  5. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Thanks, Beth and Saxman: Hubby put thermostat down after pulling the plug the other day - no change. Will try again to get that temp going down. Got Omega Veggie Sheets. It's funny - I think Blue is scared of the clip with the Veggie Sheet in it. Haven't seen him going after it on the clip, but...
  6. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth I'm going to suggest that you do 2 gal water changes daily with saltwater that has been mixed using a pump (not an air pump) for at least 24 hours. I would also add some quality frozen foods to the diet, rather then just the dried food. How often are you...
  7. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth Right off, I can tell you that any tang is not going to fare well in a 55 gal tank, let alone an 8" tang. If this fish makes it, you should think about a new home for him. Did you mean to say that your pH is 7?? If so, that is too low, way too low. Slowly...
  8. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Have more stats: - General Hardness: 18 - Carbonate Hardness: 180 or 240? - pH: 7 - NO2: .5 - NO3: 160 Hubby bought some all-in-1 test strips for the above figures Saxman: Thanks, I'll start dropping the temp now. How long would you take to get to 75? As to the antibiotic; is it a dip? Unsure on...
  9. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Hello Beth: How big would a hospital tank have to be? Blue is 8" long at most - I think shorter. He is looking somewhat better this AM. He swam around and ate more than yesterday. He seems to be hanging out by my powerhead and also by a little filter where water flows in. My cleaner wrasse seems...
  10. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Nitrates: 20 I'll be doing some water change tomorrow.
  11. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Blue came out to see me this AM and again for a bit of breakfast briefly . . . resting again in cave. Besides being sick, he's probably lonesome for Jimmy, his little buddy Yellow Tang who just died from this disease.
  12. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Beth: Thanks; what do you call this bloody tail kind of disease? Have an appt this AM, so limited time. Blue's moving around in his "cave" where he sleeps. Really hope not to lose him - had him for soooooooooo long. - Salinity (which also translates to sg per measuring device): 1,025 -...
  13. calypsois

    Post pics of your clownfish!

    Wow! What a pic!
  14. calypsois

    Blue is sick - tail looks bloody

    Blue's tail has a "bloody" appearance today. A little something going on on his forehead as well. Mostly concerned about tail. Sorry, he seems to be turning, so not best view of tail. Blue's been staying in his "cave" a lot today. Yellow tang had same thing yesterday - noticed it the night...