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  1. bking

    algae problem

    I have just started pruning and removing,,,so, I'm hoping that helps a little...I guess til then, it's more scrubbing the sides of the tank everyday
  2. bking

    algae problem

    the way my mud filter works is with calupra(not sure if that is spelled right),, what other plant life can I get in there
  3. bking

    algae problem

    yeah, i was going to move the trigger to another tank,, not sure of the lighting questions, but I will chk it out,,,I have recently switched to ro/di water,,so, i'm hoping that will help...but my water levels seem acceptable...I guess I'll work at getting rid of several fish, and try to maintain...
  4. bking

    algae problem

    OK, thought I was more advanced at this than I am, I guess,,for xmas, I got a power compact light,,all of a sudden, I can't keep up with the algae growth, it's almost to a point where I want to scrap it,,won't happen, but it is really growing fast....I know I need a bigger clean up crew, but,,is...
  5. bking

    moving salt water 60 gal question??

    I recently moved my 46 bowfront,,,just next door, but I bought 2 50 gallon trash cans,,,cleaned them real well, and put the water in them, then used a dolly to wheel all the water over to the new all worked out real well, no loss of life....just fyi
  6. bking

    RED Slime on fake coral

    what can i do about it?
  7. bking

    RED Slime on fake coral

    I have developed a red slime on my fake corals that have been put into the tank,,,any ideas?
  8. bking

    base rock

    I already have 60 lbs of lr in my tank, but I was wanting some more, but I wondered if there was any kind of other rock I could use,,,instead of will all be hid, and I didn't want the cost of lr,,was hoping to use regular rock or something, any ideas?
  9. bking

    My Clarllii is evil, need help!

    same thing happened to me,,those clarki's are mean...sometimes, it just has to be that the strongest survive,,good luck
  10. bking

    lots of hair algea

    HOW OFTEN DID YOU USE THE RED SLIME REMOVER, and it works for a hair like algae...that may help in my own tank also then, thansk for all the advise, i love this site
  11. bking

    lots of hair algea

    what would be a good schedule of lighting in the tank then,,,6 hours a day or more....
  12. bking

    lots of hair algea

    will the redueced light hurt mu curlyque anemone? just curious, and thanks for all the help,,,how do I get reid of or control all the chemicals they are talking about, like I said, still kinda new to this////
  13. bking

    lots of hair algea

    My parents have a 75 gallon tank, and it has developed a lot of moss like algae, I'm trying to figure out the best way to get rid of it,, any ideas will help........they already have a fox face and a yellow tang, but they don't seem to be doing much...
  14. bking

    Need help fast

    I think so,,where can I find info on pods,,any one know,,thanks
  15. bking

    Need help fast

    I recently noticed small creatures living in my rocks and in the gravel and sand,,they look like little shrimp, but have more legs, they are clear in color and the biggest one is about 1 cm long..kind of curl back into their bodies at the tail area.I think they may be eating on my tube worms...
  16. bking

    transparent creatures

    they look like little clear or white things, round on one end, then on the other end have 2 points,,if they are flat worms, are they harmful?
  17. bking

    transparent creatures

    I set up a 27 gal hex , it has a tang, 2 clarki clowns, and small assorted fish,,,well anyhow, there are 4 turbo snails in there, and i think they had babies, but I'm not sure, there are about 150 small transparent creatures all over the glass,,,could these be snails or something else? thanks
  18. bking

    ich again

    well, back again,, going to try a qt this time, but not sure of the exact way to set one up, is this something that can just be bought and set up right away, does the water have to cycle? or how does it work, can someone please let me know the fastest way to set it up? thanks,,I just wanted to...
  19. bking

    will hermit crabs each my choc starfish

    thanks for the info
  20. bking

    will hermit crabs each my choc starfish

    I wanted to put some hermit crabs in my tank, and I have a choc star fish, will it get killed? and also, can starfish and other inverts get ich, since i did have it in my tank earlier..thanks