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  1. ravechild

    Clown with problems

    I think my Ocellarius Clown is sick. His mouth is always open and appears to be swolen. No growths or white spots around it. His "cheeks" appear to be sunken in. His gills appear slightly swolen but he shows no signs of laboured breathing. He hasn't been eating right, just catches whatever...
  2. ravechild

    Zebra Hermits?

    I have 2 and all they do is kill snails. In the past 3 months they have killed 10 astrea and 2 turbos. Despite the 150 different shells I have in the tank.
  3. ravechild

    Brown Jelly Disease

    Water Params are: Temp - 79.8 S.G - 1.024 Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 1 pH - 8.1 Alk - 4.4 Phosphate - 0.2 Silicate - 0 Calcium - 440 Lighting is 260watt PC
  4. ravechild

    Brown Jelly Disease

    I am beginning to think that my hammer coral has brown jelly. It has brown stringgy stuff around the outside edge that kind of floats around the coral. It is very easy to remove but the brown stuff comes back minutes after I clean it off. The coral's polyps seem to be retracting towards the...
  5. ravechild

    Corals not opening

    Any ideas how to get those levels up and to keep them there??
  6. ravechild

    Corals not opening

    260watt PC lighting on a 55gal tank. Bulbs are roughly 3 months olds.
  7. ravechild

    Corals not opening

    I have a hammer and an octocoral in my aquarium that don't seem to be opening as much as they used to. Any ideas on why this is? My params are: S.G - 1.025 pH - 8.0 kH - 180 Calcium - 320 Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - Less than 5 Phosphate - 0 Temp - 80.1
  8. ravechild

    mushroom left home

    would this be a good time to cut it up so that more will grow??
  9. ravechild

    mushroom left home

    One of my mushrooms has decided to leave home. It detached itself from the rock it was on and is now just sitting on the bottom of the aquarium. Should I just leave it or should I net it to a rock?
  10. ravechild

    Surface Scum

    I seem to have a very thin scum at the surface of the water in my tank. I have my filter return line blowing through a spray bar at the surface, as well as 3 power heads and a surface skimmer attached to my proten skimmer and I stll seem to get this scum. Any ideas how to get rit of this??
  11. ravechild

    Filter Upgrade

  12. ravechild

    Filter Upgrade

    I bought an Eheim PRO II 2026 canister filter today to replace my Emporer 400. Now my question is, will removing my 400 and bio wheels cause any spikes in my water quality? Or can I just take it out with no worries? It is a 55gal tank with 60LBS live rock. It has been running since June 2 2004.
  13. ravechild

    My Diy EuroReef

    Can I also have the link please?
  14. ravechild

    Coralife aqualight (260watt) question

    Depending on the tank I would say softies (leathers, shrooms, zoos) some LPS. I would stay away from SPS, anemones and clams.
  15. ravechild

    Coralife aqualight (260watt) question

    Nevermind. The're bright blue which leads me to belive they are not true 03 actinic.
  16. ravechild

    Coralife aqualight (260watt) question

    Does the coralife deluxe series aqualight (48" 260 watt) use true 03 actinic bulbs, or do they use those cheap blue bulbs? I recently bought one and want to know if I need to replace the bulbs or not.
  17. ravechild

    Ph Problem

  18. ravechild

    Ph Problem

    Alk is 120-130 mg/L Calcium is 320mg/L
  19. ravechild

    Ph Problem

    I never thought of that. We do have all of the windows and stuff closed, with the A/C on.
  20. ravechild

    Ph Problem

    My Ph seems to be stuck around 7.8ish. Any ideas what I can do to raise this to a more appropriate level? I have tried perfect Ph and it is ok for a couple of days and then it falls back to 7.8. Alk is usually around 120 to 130, and I use instant ocean salt. Any help would be much appreciated.