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  1. sillyqueen

    It worked!! I got my Damsels out!!

    No kidding...I put a pop bottle in there with some Octopus and Squid...not TWO minutes later I trapped my Damsel...then another...Im thrilled!!! Thanks!!!!! :p :p
  2. sillyqueen

    Good Lord..Trying pics again! (what an idiot!)

    Hey Sweels..the backround IS! Its such an algae mess, it looks bad, but I want the stuff for my Blennie..what a cute baby!!! Hiding the equipment is an issue I havent figured out yet. I guess it'll just cover over with algae and blend in! ;) The pic...I think you have to have them...
  3. sillyqueen

    Clown and fake Anenome

    I did get a pic of my tank posted, the plant is on the right, the pink one, right behind the lava rock. Heres a link if youd like to see more! Thanks..
  4. sillyqueen

    Good Lord..Trying pics again! (what an idiot!)

    Jackson and T Woods..I can only dream of having thanks like yours!! Gives me something to aspire to!
  5. sillyqueen

    Good Lord..Trying pics again! (what an idiot!)

    Doh..that WAS a link..ok, I got it now.. The pink plant on the right (behind the lava rock) is the silk thing that the Perculas live in..odd huh? They were in the tank about 2 minutes, headed for the plant and been there ever since. Pretty cool! :cool:
  6. sillyqueen

    Good Lord..Trying pics again! (what an idiot!)

    My tank! I dont think I can do a says my HTML is off and I cant find where to turn it on, but the other pics are at Thanks for the compliment!!! :) :)
  7. sillyqueen

    Good Lord..Trying pics again! (what an idiot!)

    Here we go again..Im deleting them as I go, Jackson, so I dont clog up the board with mistakes..thanks for helping!!!
  8. sillyqueen

    attn: SillyQueen - posting pics

    Ok jackson..Ill try 'er!
  9. sillyqueen

    Clown and fake Anenome

    Becky..mine eat frozen brine shrimp with a vengeance..thats what they fed em at the fish store. I also crush some marine pelletts between 2 spoons to make em small and they eat them too. Hermit...Im gonna try to post a pic in a minute. You can look for the post and see the plant, its silk..I got...
  10. sillyqueen

    RE: Getting damsels out, is there a trap?

    Hey thanks!! This may work!!!
  11. sillyqueen

    Clown and fake Anenome

    Just a little funny here...I bought 2 tank raised Perculas...never seen an Anenome says my fish lady. Well..the first night they took up residence in a large pink silk plant, lots of swaying stalks and leaves. Its really cute! They hide in there, sleep in there. I think they think its an...
  12. sillyqueen

    RE: Getting damsels out, is there a trap?

    Hi everyone, I asked earlier about getting damsels out of my's Puffer's reply puff(er) daddy Powder Blue Tang posted September 24, 2001 12:30 **lfs's sell traps. Never used one, maybe someone who has will let you know how effective they are soon** Id like to try lfs has no...
  13. sillyqueen

    NOW what do I do?

    Lol, Ron! They dont breathe water, eh? I wondered about the crabs and snails while doing water changes..when the rock is out. I did a change and tank re-arranging when I found the hermits playing RUGby but picked em all off the answered that one too...thanks! Its odd..everything Ive...
  14. sillyqueen

    NOW what do I do?

    My 90 has Oscars and other Cichlids..they loved the Thankgiving dinner! Those Oscars will eat anything and live to tell about it. I just did a massave water change..I do a 50% weekly anyways so it was no big deal. The kids...3 and 9...aaaak...
  15. sillyqueen

    How to get damsels out of the tank?

    Excellent advice..thanks! Theyre so scared of the net now, I dont know if theyll ever get near it though. I have tried removing the rock, etc..they squeeze behind the filters and power heads..I just gave up! It stresses the other fish so badly too. I'll let everyone settle a bit and see how they...
  16. sillyqueen

    How to get damsels out of the tank?

    Thank you everyone for all the replies. Im such a newbie, but except for the fact that my kids raided the tank and grabbed the snails..eveything looks ok so far! 2 questions if I on earth do I get the damsels out now that Ive cycled? Ive tried the way! Also..I bought a cleanup...
  17. sillyqueen

    NOW what do I do?

    Thank you so much! I was hoping I wouldnt have to tear the tank down if they did die. Now I hope everyone else is ok..everyone was hiding except my Perculas.. Last year when I had my 90 up, (freshwater) they fed the tank mashed potatoes and cheese on Thanksgiving..
  18. sillyqueen

    NOW what do I do?

    Cripe..I got home today..I had about 15 Scarlett hermits on my rug! (kids got to the tank) I scooped em all up..they are all alive but for how long? How will I know if theyre dead? Do I need to remove them...will they foul the tank? :confused:
  19. sillyqueen

    Phosphate test. Recommendations for test kits please? Thanks!'s the *saltwater idiot* here again, although things seem to be going ok. Up over a week..diatoms all over the (5 damsels and a tang, all given to me from a friend who tore down) doing well. All water parameters in my 55 are fine..I think..herein lie's the prob..I cant read...
  20. sillyqueen

    Did I kill my crabs??

    Dan~~ Thanks. I didnt realize they were so sensitive! I think I see a few now... My desire is to get my cleanup crew, and then at some point get a Dwarf Lion..I think theyre gorgeous! PLEAE dont tell me I cant have Thanks again.. ;)