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  1. sillyqueen

    Cleanup crew too good? AND Nitrite spike.

    My clean up crew has eaten ALL the algae and diatoms in my 55. I have about 15 turbos and 15 hermits. My question is...will they starve now? I also have a lawnmower blennie...what will they eat? Im having a Nitrite spike (niTRITE) and am going to withhold food till I get this under...
  2. sillyqueen

    Am I supposed to stir up my L/S?

    This just occurred to I stir up my live sand so it doesnt get packed down? I did a water change today and wondered if I was supposed to mix it up a little! Thanks.. (55 gal, 80# l/s)
  3. sillyqueen

    Do we need gloves to protect from disease/parasites?

    Thanks everyone..Its awkward to use em if Im just fixing my lettuce clip or something, but I think I'll use em for re-arranging and stuff. Heres something I read... (eg: protection against nematophores) and particularly 'Amoebic Dysentery'. Don't EVER drink aquarium water (for you and your...
  4. sillyqueen

    new coral beauty

    Hi Tinman, Im NO expert, but I have been considering a Coral Beauty so Ive done some reading. Did you see it eat at the fish store? Thats the biggie..they should keep them there until they eat..then you know they survived being shipped ok. I read they are pretty hardy and that most deaths come...
  5. sillyqueen

    Does anyone know??

    Hi Becky..Im clueless when it comes to bio-balls and the like, I just run an AquaClear 300 with no filter media,but it doesnt make sense that it was salt...wouldnt it have dissolved by now? Yet your salinity was up..odd! Sometimes my power heads spit sand..could that be it?
  6. sillyqueen

    Prizm Skimmer..again!

    Im really impressed so far..I moved it today and HOPE I didnt goof anything up. I needed to mave it back further because my hood wouldnt shut right. I propped a book behind it..hope it doesnt get all touchy on me..
  7. sillyqueen

    Prizm Skimmer..again!

    My skimmer..its skimming!! I came home from work today, and by God, I had DRY foam in the throat and I only have the thing opened a teeeny's all brown..Im really happy, and like I said..I cant see where this skimmer is loud in the least..just wanted to let you know! Thanks for all the tips!
  8. sillyqueen

    Do we need gloves to protect from disease/parasites?

    I just bought a pair of gloves to wear while doing tank maintenence. Ive used them before, on and off with my f/w important is it to use with S/W? Do these marine animals carry any tropical parasites and such that can be transferred to humans? Thanks
  9. sillyqueen

    Prizm Skimmer Not Bad!

    OK..heres what I have now. I opened the valve until I got the bubbly water to the o_ring. Its bubbly, not dirty bubbly..just bubbly. Theres nothing above it. I cant see a real definate "water line" of "still" water. Is it right to have the bubbly water just below the o_ring? Dave..I'm not sure...
  10. sillyqueen

    Would a feather duster be ok?

    My lfs said they filter stuff out of the water..little things that come out of your l/r and stuff. Maybe I'll try just one (maybe if theyre inexpensive enough, that is) and see how it goes.
  11. sillyqueen

    Prizm Skimmer Not Bad!

    Hiya guys..I JUST got done hooking up my new Prizm...I was surprised that it ISN'T noisy like I'd read. Maybe because all my other equip is ;) Anyways..I have it turned way down like I've read I should do...I have bubbles just below the question is, Im having trouble telling what...
  12. sillyqueen

    Uh, oh...practically NEON green algae!!

    BB..thanks! Ive orederd a Phos test..we'll see what it says. I JUST hooked up my skimmer...(see new post) I hope that helps too. Thanks for all the info over these past weeks!
  13. sillyqueen

    Would a feather duster be ok?

    Hi again! I got my Damsels I have a Yellow tang (soon to go, I think), a LawnMower Blennie and a FireGody. Good cleanup crew too including 2 brittle stars and a pencil Urchin.(snails and turbos too) My lfs is gettin a shipment in Friday. Im leaning towards a purple fire goby and maybe...
  14. sillyqueen

    ammonia nightmare II

    Hey Reefer..what did you cycle *with*? You never said..sounds like youre cycling now, even though your tank was up a while. I'm no expert but it doesnt sound cycled to me. You need something to produce ammo in order to cycle. Maybe you could take the fish back (the ones that are in good shape)...
  15. sillyqueen

    Uh, oh...practically NEON green algae!!

    YUP! Its slimy..wanna hear something funny? I have a good cleanup crew...they go right at it and they go AROUND this stuff!!! They wont touch it. I cleaned it off last night and its back already. Theres not much yet..(thank God) and my Prizm is due any day. I hope I can figure out how to use it...
  16. sillyqueen

    Good Lord..Trying pics again! (what an idiot!)

    Im getting more rock as I get the money..its so damned expensive! I wanted the plants to cover a lot of the equip, but the power heads just blow the plants away from where I place them. I got all my Damsels out..NOW I can concentrate on what I want...I bought lil FireGobie last night, so now I...
  17. sillyqueen

    Uh, oh...practically NEON green algae!!

    Im cycled about a month..I went through the Diatom stage and then to dark green stuff which was ok..I clean it off the glass and my cleanup crew eats it. I just went to check my heaters..I have spots of this lime green, almost neon colored algae starting! Its on the heatrs themselves and I...
  18. sillyqueen

    Any tips? I want a PEACEFUL tank.

    Hiya Deb...does your Flamehawk bother the snails and crabs? Sounds like about what I want...what size tank?
  19. sillyqueen

    It worked!! I got my Damsels out!!

    Damn..that was the best!! Thanks!!
  20. sillyqueen

    Any tips? I want a PEACEFUL tank.

    Hiya everyone. I got my damsels out..that leaves 2 Percs, one Lawnmower Blennie, a Yellow tang (which I may not keep) and my cleanup crew. What Id like is to add 2 Firefish (orange) and one purple. Will this work? What other peaceful SMALL fish can I add? I'm going for color and amusement..Id...