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  1. tonya-sr

    Fox Coral question...

    hi BillB, i have had mine down in the sand facing up, and it was doing ok, it had been like that for a year. i moved it up middle way on a ledge and turned it sideways and now it is doing great. i can't say for sure if this would work for you, i believe it also has to do with the lighting and...
  2. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    Originally posted by neoreef I also bought the 124MB one that you can put about 100 pix on. Hey neoreef take a look at your camera's manual, pages 40 & 140. You can shoot alot more pix than you think. Depending on what you want to do with your shot (4x6 snaps or large blow-ups) or if...
  3. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    WOW, so i need to get it out of my display right away. i new it can eat my fish and stuff but i thought my clown would host it, but even she won't get near it, i guess that should of told me something was wrong. thanks for helping me with this. btw i was trying to find bang guy's recent pictures...
  4. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    hey waterfaller, how can the carpet take out my rosetip? because i don't want to lose my pride and joy. the rosetip is at the top of my tank on the rocks, and the carpet is on the bottom in the sand. will they try and move toward each other? is the rock anemone threatened also?
  5. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    congratulation on your new G-5, i know you will love it, i loev mine.and thank god for Dans diver alert, i'm glad you found it, yea i didn't think when i put my hand in the tank. i was worried that my carpet was going to sting my other corals, so with out giving it any thought i just reached...
  6. tonya-sr

    a six pack+one learning new camera

    i'm sorry MR.Tuna thank you also, i didn't see your post until i went back to photography, so thank you again
  7. tonya-sr

    a six pack+one learning new camera

    Originally posted by waterfaller1 WOW:eek: Great pics!!Good job Tonya:D I am so happy I have a real camera now too:D :D thanks waterfaller
  8. tonya-sr

    a six pack+one learning new camera

    lsat but not least # 7 yellow tang
  9. tonya-sr

    a six pack+one learning new camera

    # 6 regal tang
  10. tonya-sr

    a six pack+one learning new camera

    boy i didn't realize # 4 was so light, but i can fix that later. here is # 5
  11. tonya-sr

    a six pack+one learning new camera

    # 4 my lopezi tang or common name is blue spotted tang
  12. tonya-sr

    a six pack+one learning new camera

    # 3 maroon in her rosetiip anemone
  13. tonya-sr

    a six pack+one learning new camera

    # 2-male watching female nest
  14. tonya-sr

    a six pack+one learning new camera

    # 1-golden headed golbys, mated pair.
  15. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

  16. tonya-sr

    should i be concerned

    thanks NM reef i appreciate your concern, thank you. i would have e-mailed you but don't have your e-mail address. and druluv your right about the rubber glove, i have never come across this before. if my carpet does move again, you better know i will have gloves handy. thanks for the heads up...
  17. tonya-sr

    should i be concerned

    hey waterfaller, i am glad to hear from you, thanks for the heads up on the vineger and razor, boy my hand does sting, well how have you been, yes i have been e-mailing you. you and BangGuy. i was begining to think i p___sd you guys off or something. anyway i am very glad to hear from you.i...
  18. tonya-sr

    should i be concerned

    thanks reef_magic i appreciate your input, what do you mean by paralizing the nerves? i don't mean to sound stupid, it's just that i have never been stung by an anemone before. my guess is that this is temporary, (right)?
  19. tonya-sr

    should i be concerned

    i got a large blue carpet anemone about two weeks ago, it stayed were i put it until today, it started moving around, so i reached in to put it back. well when i did this, it wraped its self around my hand and i had to pry it off, when i did that it left hundreds of little blue like stingers in...
  20. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    Originally posted by neoreef Hey, Tonya, I have the same new camera, and i am loving it. Took movies of my fish last night! What a blast!:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: hey neoreef, sorry it took so long to get back to you. yes these cameras are awsome :D :happy: what card did you get with...