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  1. tonya-sr


    very beautiful pictures. what is # 4 ?
  2. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    Originally posted by erikandstacie Good pictures. The Fox and the Shrooms are very nice! thank you erikandstacie for your complement, i got lucky with the fox coral, they are hard to keep , but this ones doing great,i have had it almost a year now, and the mushrooms started as one, and it...
  3. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    thanks BillB i know what you mean about money, in this hobby we can only get a little at a time, but i think it makes us more appreciating of what we do get and it makes our tanks even more beautiful because we do take the time and choose carefully, and we learn about the corals we are...
  4. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    Originally posted by BillB Nice looking...what did you get for a camera? thanks JLM the mushrooms are called hairy mushrooms i believe, i started with one, then it split, and it split again, and again. they just keep on spliting, the one mushroom i started with wasn't very expinsvie at all, i...
  5. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    # 12 group shot of some of my corals i hope you all enjoyed these as much as i enjoyed taking these pictures. this is the last one, any comments are most appreciated. thanks tonya
  6. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    # 11 yellow leather
  7. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    # 10 these are my new zoo's got them the same time as the trumpet
  8. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    and # 9
  9. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    #'s 8 and 9 are my favorite, this is my pride and joy, this is realy the colors of my rosetip, she is huge.
  10. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    # 7 pompom xenia
  11. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    # 6 pinktip torch
  12. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    # 5 some of my mushrooms
  13. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    # 3 is a little blurry, i guess i shook when taking pic. but here is # 4 it's a better shot
  14. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    # 3 greentorch.
  15. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    # 2 this is my new trumpet, just got it 2 days ago.
  16. tonya-sr

    playing with new camera

    i thought i would share some pic's with every one, i just took these about an hour ago, with my new camera, it's awsome, i hope every one enjoys them. the first picture is my fox coral.
  17. tonya-sr

    blue legged hermit crabs

    mine are active all the time, and the only time they switch shells is when thy kill one of my snails for it. mine are on the move night and day.
  18. tonya-sr

    Is there any reason to worry?

    hi kpk, it sounds like your clown is wore out and tired from being picked on. if they are both males, the larger one will eventualy take over the tank, he will keep the smaller one at bay, untill he will eventually starve to death, i hope this is not what is happening in your case. but i'm just...
  19. tonya-sr

    How well will injecting vinegar into a Euro work?

    i just use scalding hot water and a scrub brush thats for the tank only. i don't want to accidently miss somthing while rinsing what ever i'm cleaning. you just never know!
  20. tonya-sr

    Most Expensive Fish!

    all four of my tangs cost a total of $ 175.00 dollars, and they live happely together. they have been in the tank for almost three years.