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  1. just1nk4ng

    New to Saltwater

    Hi names Justin im 16 years old my dad bought me a 150 gallon tank and it comes with a wet/dry filter is it ok if i use the wet/dry filter for saltwater? i need all the information i can get to start my new saltwater any suggestions or advice? p.s. is a 150 gallon to big for a newbie like me?
  2. just1nk4ng

    Rust and water conditions?

    it souldnt be that bad it will work out
  3. just1nk4ng

    does my protein skimmer purify my water?

    does my protein skimmer purify my tap water?
  4. just1nk4ng

    two 10 gallon tank DIAMOND BAR

    selling my two 10 gallon tank for $10 i live in DIAMOND BAR CALI [ Inland Empire ]
  5. just1nk4ng


  6. just1nk4ng

    What janitors????? 150 gallon

  7. just1nk4ng

    150 to 210 gallon reef finally complete!!!

    Originally Posted by jamiehag After 2 years in this hobby my wife and I have upgraded our 150 gallon to a 210 all-glass reef ready tank, many weeks in planning, months of reading these boards and a long 3 day conversion weekend and here’s the results, by the way if anyone is curious we have...
  8. just1nk4ng

    would this work? [150 gallon]

    thats cool dont they eat clownfish?
  9. just1nk4ng

    would this work? [150 gallon]

    Originally Posted by angelsrock i believe so. i have a dwarf lion as well and i have him in with a few small fish including shrimps that he doesn't eat. thats good arent they suppost to eat the shrimps? how big do dwarf lions grow? do they stay small?
  10. just1nk4ng

    What janitors????? 150 gallon

    what janitors do i need for my 150 gallon? all information would be appreciated :help:
  11. just1nk4ng

    would this work? [150 gallon]

    would this work? in a 150 gallon? dwarf lion fish blue hippo tang 2 Amphiprion ocellaris [ clowfish ] so far thats the only fishs i want and i know i have enought room for all these B E A UTIFUL fishs but is it safe?
  12. just1nk4ng

    150 gallon

    Originally Posted by hot883 Since you will have 4-6 weeks for the cycle, don't rush into a fish list just yet. What kind of tank did you want? Do you want aggressive, non, FO, FOWLR, etc.? what is FO and FOWLR? im not really sure but im thinking of getting nemo fishs 2 clownfish a hippo...
  13. just1nk4ng

    Dwarf lion fish question

    Originally Posted by Anonome I am currently filling my brand new 125g tank :jumping: It has been a long haul. I have had the tank for 3 months, but had to wait on the stand---so beautiful it is custom made out of solid oak, no veneer!! Okay the question, have any of you had good results by...
  14. just1nk4ng

    150 gallon

    im getting my 150 gallon tomorrow and before i start to cycle my tank i wanted to know what fish i should get this is going to be my 1st saltwater fish tank and i want to be successful for im reading reading reading anyways any information of what i should keep in my 150 gallon and janitors...
  15. just1nk4ng

    2" Sand Beds

    Originally Posted by gmusick I have read on two different threads, recently, where people have stated that 2-3" sand beds make nitrate problems worse. The threads went on to say that I should have a 5" sand bed or go with a bare-bottom, if I want to get my nitrates down. Those threads were...
  16. just1nk4ng

    Need Help

    Originally Posted by spafeature Read Read Read Read. Visit LFS and spend some time reading threads here so you can decide what you want before you start to spend $$. Ask a lot of questions. yes i agree reading reading reading reading is very important in this hobby trust me you wont regret it...
  17. just1nk4ng

    starting new 55 gl. should I use cured or uncured??

    Originally Posted by Lennon Hi all. I am getting ready to start the tank. I just wanted to know if I should use cured or uncured LR. I have heard that there is alot of smell if I use uncured..but I also heard it is best to kickstart everything. Not sure which way to go..I was planning on not...