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  1. blissninny

    7+ week cycle...little progress

    The PH is 8.2 and the reading for Alk is midway in the low range.
  2. blissninny

    7+ week cycle...little progress

    Well now I feel a lot better knowing I could have been enjoying my tank a long time ago I am hoping the LR arrives quickly and I won't have to waste anymore time. BTW, where were you a long time ago when I was asking for advise?
  3. blissninny

    7+ week cycle...little progress

    Have one and it's a good thing...outta money!
  4. blissninny

    7+ week cycle...little progress

    Thank you for your help...I will keep you posted and I look forward to seeing the pics you take of your tank with your new camera.
  5. blissninny

    7+ week cycle...little progress

    Okay, I just ordered 50 lbs of LR. I am confused about the LS and CC issue though. I bought the CC because it was recommended... Not brave enough to go with the Reef tank so will stick with the FOWLR at least until I am more confident.
  6. blissninny

    7+ week cycle...little progress

    So, no fish...just the LR right now? How much? I am not sure what I am getting so what should I look for and should I get it from my LFS or online?
  7. blissninny

    7+ week cycle...little progress

    Yes...just not sure when to add it.
  8. blissninny

    7+ week cycle...little progress

    Here are the particulars, please help: 80 Gallon tank Magna Canister Filter Under gravel filter with 2 power heads and 2 airlines Crushed coral No live rock (no live anything) I added 2 raw shrimp on 2/13 Ammonia spiked and now is at zero Nitrite spiked and is still at 05 Nitrate is also spiked...
  9. blissninny

    Nitrite/Nitrate Levels

    Okay, I did the 20% H20 change, changed the carbon in the filter and I still have a .5 Nitrite reading...what next?
  10. blissninny

    Fish Combo

    Maybe I will check out what the the LFS has and just have the fish shipped. There is no guarantee on what I get unless I buy it online.
  11. blissninny

    Fish Combo

    Isn't the rock already cured?
  12. blissninny

    Fish Combo

    Thanks for the info on the grouper...don't want to have to get rid of anything I become attached to. So what do you recommend on the LR? What about other stuff in the tank. I don't want just fish and the LFS have rock but for some reason I don't trust them.
  13. blissninny

    Fish Combo

    I will be ordering everything from this site and the rock will be cured. I know that I want trigger and grouper and am trying to find out how many, which ones, and what size for an 80 gallon. I want to get the fish all at once. What else should/could I put in there?
  14. blissninny

    Fish Combo

    I will be adding fish to my tank, hopefully, this weekend and want to know if what I want is okay in an 80 gallon: Bursa Trigger Ocean Trigger Humu Humu Undulated Trigger Rectqangular Trigger & Grouper (not sure what type yet) How much LR do I need to have to make it a safe tank and should I add...
  15. blissninny

    Nitrite/Nitrate Levels

    Will do a 20% H2O change and clean the filter tonight...thanks for the help!
  16. blissninny

    Nitrite/Nitrate Levels

    Nothing live in there yet...didn't want to kill anything. I use a Magna canister filter and have two powerheads. I was under the impression that while the tank is cycling, water changes are not recommended.
  17. blissninny

    Nitrite/Nitrate Levels

    No water changes yet. I am using a magna canister filter and have an 80 gallon tank.
  18. blissninny

    Nitrite/Nitrate Levels

    I don't know the name of the kit but it is the one with all the tests in it (PH, Alkilinity, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate)
  19. blissninny

    Nitrite/Nitrate Levels

    They are both off the chart.
  20. blissninny

    Nitrite/Nitrate Levels

    I set my tank up just over 6 weeks ago and used two cocktail sized shrimp to facilitate the cycling...the ammonia has spiked and gone down to 0 however, I can't get the nitrite and nitrate levels to go down. What should I do? I want fish!