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  1. hawk70

    lr question

    how long can you have lr in your tank before a skimmer is necessary? I have a 75g and I am purchasing 100lb lr.... Thanks for the input
  2. hawk70

    opinoins on backgrounds?

    I currently have a 75g tank with a clear background. I was wondering what the best background would be.... Black, White or one of these picture like backgrounds? Also my sand is very white.... thanks
  3. hawk70

    syhpone overflow breaking?

    my return pump is a sedra 12000........... 1200gph
  4. hawk70

    syhpone overflow breaking?

    I have a cpr 1600gph overflow and was wondering how you keep the air out of it. I suck the air out of it through the tubing and then about 30 min later the syphone will break. I can see the little bubbles building in the overflow. I have heard that you can attach the tubing from the overflow...
  5. hawk70

    noisy overflow?

    that does make sence, i read about doing that. It stated that people do that because the overflow is starving for air so it gurlges. Mine is not starving for air, its the noise of the water hitting the pvc on the way down.... I will try the hose thing, thanks for the suggestion
  6. hawk70

    noisy overflow?

    I have a CPR siphone overflow rated at 1600ghp. My return pump is a sedra 12000. The return pump is very quiet, but the overflow, or should i say the pvc makes way to much water noise. There is a 45 degree bend in the pvc. Is there anything i do to quiet the water noise? Can i stuff a sock...
  7. hawk70


    I have recently purchased a PM Bullet 1 protein skimmer and was wondering if this a good skimmer for a 75g. My lfs said it was the best skimmer for my tank. I would like to know if people agree with my lfs? Thanks for the input....
  8. hawk70

    easy sand question

    At my local Home Depot they sell play sand for dirt cheap. I wanted to use it to put about 2" on the bottom of my tank and then put about 1" live sand on top of that. The play sand at Home Depot does not say if it is synthetic or not and none of the employees seem to know. If it is synthetic...
  9. hawk70

    return pump in sump?

    when you take one pump and split it three ways, do you reduce the diameter of the return line so that the pressure is there? ie: 3/4" tubing for a single return...... when you split it three ways, are you using three 1/4" tubing?
  10. hawk70

    return pump in sump?

    I am looking to return around 1200gph from my sump to my tank and was wonder if instead of one 1200gph pump, can I use three 400gph pumps? The reason being is that i would like to keep the tank from any clutter. If i use three pumps for the return, i can place the returns in three different...
  11. hawk70

    I just need test kits?

    I have decided to purchase Salifert test kits and was wondering which ones to buy, there are so many!! What are the key tests that I need to have? Thanks
  12. hawk70

    couple of q's

    I know how everybody says that tap water is bad and i understand that. People suggest a ro/di unit for water or buy it from a store. My first question is can you use a regular britta that attaches to the kitchen sink? They clam to remove everything from the water.... is this an ok option? My...
  13. hawk70

    OT: cruise to alaska

    I lived in Alaska for 7 years before moving back to the Chicago area. I don't know alot about diving and checking out fish in Alaska. Although I do know alot about catching them and eating them. If you are going to have a chance to jump on land in Dutch Harbor (unalaska) or Anchorage, I can...
  14. hawk70

    700g overflow?

    is 700gph overflow enough overflow for a 75g tank?
  15. hawk70

    sumps and skimmers

    im not really sure what a close loop system is, does it have to do with cyphing water? I understand that one pump will be enough to return the water back to the tank, i was only thinking of three to keep them out of site... of course they would be position in different part of the tank for good...
  16. hawk70

    sumps and skimmers

    im sorry, three power heads returning the water to the tank from the sump?
  17. hawk70

    sumps and skimmers

    thanks for the reply stump, I guess I will do that. I don't want anything in my tank but fish lr and ls. But I have one more question for you all.... People suggest three power heads, can all three power head go into the sump and have three sumps return the water? Would the overflow be able...
  18. hawk70

    sumps and skimmers

    thanks for the help with the pic:) One more question, I have two heaters, can you put both of them in the sump and nothing in the actual tank?
  19. hawk70


    I currently have a 75g tank. Its is a basic tank and has no overflow built into it. Should I have a glass cutter punch a hole or two into the top back corners for overflow? If so, how big should the hole or holes be? Is there any alternative to this? Thanks
  20. hawk70

    sumps and skimmers

    Im really trying to figure this out. Does the water from the overflow drain into the sump and then into the skimmer and then pumped back to the tank? I've been looking at sump/skimmer hook ups and there seems to be way to many pipes and valves. I would think the overflow would fill the sump...